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发布时间:2018-04-19 16:46

  本文选题:大学生 + 职业道德 ; 参考:《吉林农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会经济的迅猛发展,对人才的要求也越来越高,在当前就业的竞争日趋严峻的当今社会,大学生要实现自己的求职愿望,需要的不仅是扎实的专业知识,更要求具有良好的职业道德,才能在自己的工作岗位上有所作为。职业道德是社会主义道德建设中重要的一环,对大学生进行职业道德培育是高等院校的头等要务。高等院校不仅要求大学生掌握扎实的专业知识,还要注重培养大学生良好的职业道德。而目前高等教育中职业道德培育却是相对薄弱的一环,大多数高等院校存在着重智育轻德育的现象,注重培养大学生的专业知识,忽视培养大学生的素质教育,尤其是职业道德培育的培养。目前我国对大学生职业道德培育的研究不少,但多数都是针对具体的行业道德的研究,大学生职业道德培育研究的成果相对较少,一些学者在此领域做了初步的探索,理论研究和实践取得了一定的成绩,但是还有许多不足需要我们去完善。 本文在阅读、借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,针对大学生职业道德培育的现状及对策上做以进一步的研究。首先,对大学生职业道德的相关理论做了深入的研究,了解大学生职业道德培育的现状;其次,对大学生职业道德培育取得的成就和现状加以分析;最后,针对大学生职业道德培育中存在的问题提出了一些建议和对策:加强当代大学生职业道德培育的理论研究、加强高等院校职业道德培育的队伍建设、改进当代大学生职业道德培育的方法、借鉴国外当代大学生职业道德培育的成功经验。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of social economy, the demand for talents is becoming higher and higher. In today's society where the competition for employment is becoming increasingly severe, what college students need is not only solid professional knowledge but also solid professional knowledge in order to realize their desire to seek employment.More requirements have a good professional ethics, in order to make a difference in their own jobs.Professional ethics is an important part of socialist moral construction. It is the top priority of colleges and universities to cultivate college students' professional ethics.Colleges and universities not only require students to master solid professional knowledge, but also pay attention to the cultivation of good professional ethics.At present, the cultivation of professional ethics is relatively weak in higher education. Most colleges and universities pay more attention to intellectual education than moral education, pay attention to the cultivation of college students' professional knowledge, and neglect the cultivation of college students' quality education.Especially the cultivation of professional ethics.At present, there are a lot of researches on the cultivation of college students' professional ethics in our country, but most of them are aimed at specific professional ethics. The achievements of the research on the cultivation of college students' professional ethics are relatively few. Some scholars have made a preliminary exploration in this field.Theoretical research and practice have made some achievements, but there are still many shortcomings we need to improve.On the basis of reading and drawing on the previous research results, this paper makes further research on the status quo and countermeasures of college students' professional ethics cultivation.First of all, the related theory of college students' professional ethics has been deeply studied to understand the status quo of the cultivation of college students' professional ethics; secondly, the achievements and status quo of the cultivation of college students' professional ethics have been analyzed; finally,In view of the problems existing in the cultivation of college students' professional ethics, this paper puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures: to strengthen the theoretical research on the cultivation of contemporary college students' professional ethics, and to strengthen the construction of the contingent of college students' professional ethics cultivation.To improve the methods of cultivating contemporary college students' professional ethics, and learn from the successful experience of foreign contemporary college students' professional ethics cultivation.


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