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发布时间:2018-04-19 16:51

  本文选题:电视媒体 + 大学生 ; 参考:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:电视是当今文化传播体系中不可或缺的媒体。电视媒体以其普及性、及时性和生动性成为千家万户的日常信息工具,具有其他媒体难以比拟的影响力,也成为价值观传播的重要载体。电视媒体深深地介入了当代大学生的价值观形成过程。在当前社会转型期电视媒体商业竞争日趋激烈的形势下,同时在某些外来文化的影响下,一些不够积极健康的内容出现在电视媒体上,给大学生的价值观带来了消极影响。研究电视媒体对大学生价值观的影响及其克服其消极影响的对策,是发挥文化引领、教育、服务功能的需要,是培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的需要,是改进大学生思想政治教育方法手段的需要,也是形成大学生思想政治教育良好环境的需要。在“电视媒体对大学生价值观的影响及其对策研究”方面还缺少专门和系统的研究,特别是在近年来新媒体环境兴起的背景下,未能关注电视媒体对大学生仍然存在和发展变化的不可忽视的影响。 在当前新媒体时代,电视媒体仍然是大学生认可的权威信息来源,对大学生的价值观有着重要的影响。这些影响包含积极和消极两个方面,积极影响是主流,但消极影响也不容忽视。电视媒体对大学生价值观的积极影响表现在对大学生价值观的正确导向、正向强化、充实丰富和积极深化四个方面。电视媒体对大学生价值观的消极影响表现在影响大学生受众价值观趋于庸俗、趋于功利、趋于肤浅、趋于迷惘四个方面。电视媒体对大学生价值观产生消极影响有着多方面的原因。在社会原因方面,西方意识形态的渗透影响我国的电视媒体内容,转型期社会形形色色的价值观为电视媒体所传播;在电视媒体的原因方面,电视产业化过程中的负面效应凸显,当前电视媒体生态不够健康;在大学生自身的原因方面,有的大学生对好奇心理和从众心理的自我控制力较弱,有的大学生辨别能力不强,有的大学生受众自身价值观有偏差;在高校教育的原因方面,电视媒体对大学生价值观的消极影响这一问题在有的高校未引起重视,缺乏有针对性的价值观教育引导措施。 克服电视媒体对大学生价值观产生的消极影响必需从多方面着手,形成有利于大学生价值观形成和健康发展的良好的电视媒体环境。一是政府和社会形成合力,政府加强对电视媒体的监管力度,社会组织力量抵制电视媒体低俗内容;二是电视媒体加强自律,建立有效的净化机制,强化电视精品创作;三是高校教育应标本兼治,加强“三观”教育,加强媒介素养教育,采取有针对性的价值观引导方法。
[Abstract]:Television is an indispensable media in the present cultural communication system.With its popularity, timeliness and vitality, TV media has become a daily information tool for thousands of households, with unparalleled influence from other media, and has also become an important carrier of the dissemination of values.TV media deeply involved in the formation of contemporary college students' values.In the current social transition period, the TV media business competition is becoming increasingly fierce, at the same time under the influence of some foreign culture, some not positive and healthy content appears in the television media, which has brought negative impact to the values of college students.The study of the influence of TV media on college students' values and the countermeasures to overcome their negative effects are the needs of giving play to the functions of cultural guidance, education and service, as well as the need to cultivate and practice the socialist core values.It is necessary to improve the methods and means of ideological and political education of college students, and also to form a good environment for ideological and political education of college students.There is a lack of special and systematic research on the influence of TV media on college students' values and its countermeasures, especially in the background of the rise of new media environment in recent years.Failed to pay attention to the television media on college students still exist, development and change can not be ignored.In the current new media era, TV media is still the authoritative information source recognized by college students, which has an important impact on the values of college students.These effects include both positive and negative aspects, positive effects are the mainstream, but negative effects can not be ignored.The positive influence of TV media on college students' values is manifested in four aspects: correct orientation, positive strengthening, enrichment and active deepening.The negative influence of TV media on college students' values is reflected in the following four aspects: their values tend to be vulgar, utilitarian, superficial and confused.There are many reasons for the negative influence of TV media on college students' values.In terms of social reasons, the infiltration of western ideology affects the content of TV media in our country, and the social values of the transition period are spread by the television media.The negative effect in the process of TV industrialization highlights that the current TV media ecology is not healthy enough. In terms of the causes of college students themselves, some college students have weak self-control over curiosity and conformity psychology, and some college students do not have strong discrimination ability.In terms of the causes of college education, the negative influence of TV media on college students' values has not been paid attention to in some colleges and universities, and there is a lack of targeted guiding measures of value education.To overcome the negative influence of TV media on college students' values, we must start from many aspects and form a good television media environment conducive to the formation and healthy development of college students' values.First, the government and the society form a joint force, the government strengthens the supervision to the television media, the social organization forces resist the vulgar content of the television media, the second is the television media strengthens the self-discipline, establishes the effective purification mechanism, strengthens the television fine works creation;Third, higher education should treat both the root and the root of the disease, strengthen the education of "three views", strengthen the education of media literacy, and adopt the method of guiding values.


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