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发布时间:2018-04-20 03:05

  本文选题:“亲产业”大学 + 教师 ; 参考:《厦门大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:应用型本科高校是高等教育机构中的一种类型。“亲产业”大学本质上可以被看作是应用型本科高校中的一种特殊形态。顾名思义,“亲产业”大学就是非常亲近产业或以亲近产业为目标的大学,具有地方性、应用性、开放性特征。 师资选择、培养、使用、评价等一系列管理活动,都因高校定位和发展战略的差异而不同。但是高校之间这种差异对于教师的多样化要求,与教师来源的单一性形成了矛盾。因此,除了不拘一格拓宽渠道引入多样化人才之外,高校需要设法促进本校教师成长为应用型人才。 “亲产业”大学在师资管理方面已经做出不少努力,例如将人才战略纳入学校发展规划;引进人才与自我培养人才相结合;通过教学卓越计划激励督促教师提高教学能力;通过与企业合作的产学研项目来进行人才培养;建立教师参加产业实践的制度;请产业界人士全方位参与学校工作;开展以产学研带头人为中心的教师团队建设等。但现有的师资管理尚有不足。 论文通过剖析案例学校XL学院的师资管理经验,探讨存在的管理问题,形成了若干策略建议,包括重点引进和培养具有专业建设能力的师资;通过教师发展项目实现功利与人为的统一;实施基于“亲产业”大学教师胜任力的管理;促使教师群体系统性地转型发展;推动教师个性化的生涯发展;制订产业人士兼职培养计划等举措。论文期望通过研究能够进一步改进和完善“亲产业”大学的师资管理工作。
[Abstract]:Applied undergraduate colleges and universities are a kind of higher education institutions. Pro-industry universities can in essence be regarded as a special form of applied undergraduate universities. As its name implies, "pro-industry" university is a university which is very close to industry or aims at close industry. It has the characteristics of locality, application and openness. A series of management activities, such as teacher selection, training, use, evaluation and so on, are different from each other in terms of orientation and development strategy of colleges and universities. However, the differences between colleges and universities for the diversity of teachers, and the single source of teachers formed a contradiction. Therefore, colleges and universities should try to promote their teachers to become applied talents. "Pro-industry" universities have made a lot of efforts in the management of teachers, such as the integration of talent strategy into the school development plan, the combination of the introduction of talents and self-cultivation of talents, the encouragement and supervision of teachers to improve their teaching ability through the teaching excellence plan. The system of teachers' participation in industrial practice should be established, and industry personnel should be invited to participate in all aspects of school work, and teachers' team building with industry and research leaders as the center should be carried out. However, the existing management of teachers is still inadequate. Through analyzing the experience of teachers' management in XL college, the paper discusses the existing management problems, and forms some strategic suggestions, including the introduction and cultivation of teachers with the ability of professional construction. To realize the unity of utilitarian and artificial through the teacher development project, to implement the management based on "pro-industry" university teacher competence, to promote the systematic transformation and development of teachers' group, to promote the individualized career development of teachers; Formulate industry personnel part-time training plan and other measures. This paper hopes to further improve and perfect the teacher management of pro-industry universities through the research.


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