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发布时间:2018-04-20 20:59

  本文选题:场认知方式 + 大学生 ; 参考:《广西师范学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:认知方式是心理学中一种重要的个体差异变量,也是人格结构的重要维度之一。美国心理学家荣格最早对个体在进行认知加工时采用何种策略进行了研究,后经素有“认知方式之父”之称的美国心理学家Witkin改进并最终提出了场认知方式理论构想。该理论认为,场依存性的人往往借助外界视场中的线索进行认知判断;而场独立性的人往往借助自身内在线索进行认知判断。心理旋转是空间认知能力中关于表象理论研究中的重要部分,是一种独立的心理过程。本研究将不同认知方式的旋转主体与旋转对象联系起来,通过三因素混合实验,运用眼动仪技术追踪眼动数据,将不同场认知方式下大学生心理旋转的情况进行分析,旨在给不同认知方式的人提供参考,使其对自身在某些方面的成长及未来成就能进行较好的预测,选择更适合自己的发展领域,并为教育者在因材施教上提供参考依据。 本研究的第一部分对相关理论进行了阐述,包含:场认知方式的基本理论及测量方法、场认知方式的生理基础及应用研究;心理旋转的基本理论、心理旋转的神经生理机制、心理旋转的个体差异、影响心理旋转的因素和心理旋转与眼动的关系,从整体上梳理了场认知方式和心理旋转研究中的热点问题。 第二部分为实证研究,由两部分组成。通过运用眼动测量的方法,对不同刺激方式下不同场认知方式客体在心理旋转实验中的差异及生理机制进行了分析。第一部分采用张厚粲等编制的中国版镶嵌图形测验筛选被试,在114名师范院校在校大学生中,挑选出27名右利手被试(场依存组被试10人;场中间组被试8人和场独立性被试9名);第二部分是实验部分,由两个实验构成,选取了汉字和字母这两种常见的认知材料,运用眼动测量技术来研究不同场认知方式对大学生心理旋转的影响。两个实验所采用的是3(场认知方式)*2(正像/镜像)*6(旋转角度)的混合型实验设计,其中场认知方式与正像/镜像、旋转角度三个因素之间是被试间设计,正像/镜像与旋转角度之间是被试内设计(重复测量的两个因素)。 综合实验结果,得出以下结论: 1、汉字和字母在心理旋转的认知加工过程中,反应时呈倒U型曲线。随着旋转角度的增加而增长,旋转到180°时,反应时最长,曲线两侧的趋势以180°为中线对称。 2、汉字和字母在心理旋转的认知加工过程中,正确率呈U型曲线。正确率随着旋转角度的增加而降低,旋转到180°时,正确率最低,曲线两侧的趋势以180°为中线对称。 3、汉字和字母在心理旋转的眼动指标上,在总注视次数、眼跳次数、瞳孔直径的眼动指标上,汉字大于字母。随后以180°为界点,曲线两侧的变化趋势呈对称状。 4、场独立性的被试比场依存性的被试反应时短,而且正确率高;场中间性的被试介于两者之间。三类被试的反应时、正确率曲线趋势是相似的。 5、场独立性的被试和场依存性在眼动指标上,总注视次数、眼跳次数少,场中间性的被试介于两者之间。三类被试的总注视次数、眼跳次数、瞳孔直径的曲线趋势是相似的。 6、心理旋转是一个类比的过程,与客体的物理旋转是类似的,也要经历一些中间阶段。而且旋转过程要采用一定策略,策略的转折点发生在180°,表现出明显的智慧色彩。
[Abstract]:Cognitive style is an important individual difference variable in psychology and one of the important dimensions of the personality structure. The American psychologist Carl Jung studied the strategy of the individual in cognitive processing, and then the American psychologist Witkin, known as the "father of cognitive style", improved and finally put forward a recognition. This theory holds that people with field dependence often use clues in the field of view of the outside world to make cognitive judgments; and people with field independence often use their own online cables to make cognitive judgments. Psychological rotation is a major part of the study of the spatial cognitive ability and an independent psychological process. In the study, the rotating subjects of different cognitive styles are linked to the rotating objects. Through the three factors mixing experiment, the eye movement technique is used to track the eye movement data, and the psychological rotation of the college students in different cognitive modes is analyzed. The purpose is to provide the people with different cognitive ways to take the examination and make them grow up and the future in some aspects. Achievements can predict better, choose more suitable areas for their own development, and provide references for educators to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.
The first part of this study expounds the related theories, including the basic theory and measurement methods of field cognition, the physiological basis and application of field cognition, the basic theory of psychological rotation, the neurophysiological mechanism of psychological rotation, the individual difference of psychological rotation, the factors that affect the psychological rotation and the psychological rotation and eye movement. From the whole, we comb the hot issues in the field of cognitive style and psychological rotation.
The second part is an empirical study, which is composed of two parts. By using the method of eye movement measurement, the differences and physiological mechanisms of different cognitive objects in different stimulation modes in the psychological rotation experiment are analyzed. The first part adopts the Chinese version of mosaic graph test, which is compiled by Zhang hou can, and in 114 normal colleges and universities. Among the college students, 27 right hand subjects were selected (10 people of field dependence group, 8 subjects and 9 field independence subjects); the second part was the experimental part, which consisted of two experiments. The two common cognitive materials were selected and the eye movement measurement technique was used to study the students' heart. The effect of rotation. The two experiments are used in the hybrid experimental design of the 3 (field cognitive mode) *2 (positive image / mirror) *6 (rotation angle), in which the field cognition mode and the image / mirror, the rotation angle between the three factors are the design between the subjects, the positive image / mirror and the rotation angle are the interior design (two factors of repeated measurement).
According to the results of the experiment, the following conclusions are drawn.
1, in the cognitive process of psychological rotation, the response of Chinese characters and letters is inverted U curve. With the increase of rotation angle, the reaction time is the longest when rotating to 180 degrees, and the trend on both sides of the curve is 180 degree to the middle line symmetry.
2, in the cognitive processing of psychological rotation, the correct rate is U curve. The correct rate decreases with the increase of rotation angle. When rotation to 180 degrees, the correct rate is the lowest, and the trend on both sides of the curve is 180 degree to the middle line symmetry.
3, Chinese characters and letters are on the eye movement index of mental rotation. The Chinese characters are larger than letters on the total fixation times, the times of saccades, and the eye movements of the pupil. Then 180 degrees are the boundary points, and the trend of the changes on both sides of the curve is symmetrical.
4, field independence was shorter than field dependent subjects, and the accuracy was high; the field intermediate subjects were between the two. The correct rate curve trend was similar when the three subjects responded.
5, field independence subjects and field dependence were in the eye movement index, the number of total gaze, the number of saccades was less, and the intersubjectivity of the field was between the two. The total gaze times, the number of saccades and the pupil diameter of the three subjects were similar.
6, psychological rotation is a process of analogy. It is similar to the physical rotation of the object. It also needs to experience some intermediate stages. And the rotation process should adopt a certain strategy, and the turning point of the strategy occurs at 180 degrees, showing obvious wisdom color.



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