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发布时间:2018-04-22 05:20

  本文选题:职业教育 + 生涯决策 ; 参考:《湖南农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:职业生涯是指个体在一定时间内的职业发展,生涯决策是指决策者通过组织有关自我的信息、考虑可供选择职业的前景而作出职业选择的行为。生涯决策不仅是一个即时的职业选择行为,也是一个决策过程。职业生涯教育能够帮助学生进行生涯决策与管理。职业生涯教育致力于培养人的职业规划能力、就业创业能力等,注重人整个职业生涯发展,在教育实践中显示出强大的生命力。当前职业环境复杂的形势下,教育应当关注和关怀学生的职业生涯发展。 生涯决策可以从多个理论视角进行观照。生涯决策的经典人职匹配理论认为人的个性结构存在着差异,强调在进行职业决策时,要根据个性特征来选择相应的职业种类,达到人与职业相匹配的目的。随后的CIP(认知信息加工)理论吸收了人职匹配理论的元素,又关注了生涯问题的复杂性和结果的不确定性,超越了经典的人职业匹配理论。本土的职业指导三元论认为职业指导具有地域性、对象性和阶段性特征,因此职业指导学应是由社会学、教育学和心理学三门学科综合而成的三元结构学说。现代无边界职业生涯理论认为职业生涯是超越某一单一雇佣范围设定的一系列工作机会,预示着个体不再是在一个组织中度过其终生职业生涯,而是跨越组织边界,在不同的组织、岗位、专业、职能和角色之间流动。 生涯决策是教育关怀的对象。职业学校对生涯决策的关怀,首先需要在理念上有个转型,从注重职业针对转向追求完美就业,从追求自我实现指向成功生涯。对于职校学生而言,成功生涯即是能顺利进入职业世界,寻求到适合自己的职业,逐渐适应工作体系,并能在职业流动背景下仍能获得进一步发展,从而获得职业生涯的成功。通过调查与访谈发现,职业学校介入生涯决策的现状体现在学生自主规划意识淡薄、专门指导保障机制不健全、课程体系设置偏离学生实际需求。职业学校对生涯决策的关怀需要探寻合适的路径,健全基于“突破障碍”的职业生涯服务机构,构建基于“潜能发展”的课程体系,开展基于“自我实现”的STC实践。职业生涯决策的教育关怀是一个鲜明现实意义的课题,这一课题需要各职业学校结合自身情况进行多样化探索。
[Abstract]:Career refers to an individual's career development in a certain period of time. Career decision making refers to the decision maker's behavior of making a career choice by organizing information about himself and considering the prospect of choosing a career. Career decision-making is not only an immediate career choice behavior, but also a decision-making process. Career education can help students to make career decisions and management. Career education is devoted to the cultivation of people's ability of career planning, employment and entrepreneurship, and pays attention to the development of the whole career, which shows strong vitality in educational practice. Under the situation of complex occupational environment, education should pay attention to and care for the career development of students. Career decisions can be viewed from multiple theoretical perspectives. The classic theory of personal and job matching in career decision-making holds that there are differences in the personality structure of people. It is emphasized that when making career decisions, we should select the corresponding types of occupations according to the characteristics of personality, so as to achieve the purpose of matching people with occupations. The subsequent CIP (Cognitive Information processing) theory absorbs the elements of the personnel and job matching theory, and focuses on the complexity of career problems and uncertainty of the results, which transcends the classical theory of human career matching. Local vocational guidance ternary theory holds that vocational guidance has regional, objective and phased characteristics. Therefore, vocational guidance should be a ternary structure theory, which consists of three disciplines: sociology, pedagogy and psychology. Modern borderless career theory holds that career is a series of job opportunities beyond a single employment scope, which indicates that an individual is no longer living his lifetime career in an organization, but across organizational boundaries. Move between organizations, positions, professions, functions and roles. Career decision-making is the object of educational concern. The concern for career decision in vocational schools requires a transformation in concept, from focusing on career orientation to pursuing perfect employment and from pursuing self-realization to successful career. For vocational school students, successful career is to be able to enter the professional world smoothly, seek a suitable occupation, gradually adapt to the work system, and can still get further development in the background of career mobility, thus obtain the success of career. Through investigation and interview, it is found that the status quo of vocational school intervention in career decision-making is reflected in students' weak sense of independent planning, imperfect special guidance and guarantee mechanism, and the deviation of curriculum system from students' actual needs. The concern of vocational schools for career decision-making needs to explore the appropriate path, perfect the career service institutions based on "breaking through obstacles", construct the curriculum system based on "potential development", and carry out the STC practice based on "self-actualization". The educational concern for career decision making is a subject of distinct practical significance, which needs various vocational schools to explore their own conditions.


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