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发布时间:2018-04-22 10:00

  本文选题:高职院校 + 大学生 ; 参考:《浙江工业大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Higher vocational colleges have made rapid development under the background of higher education popularization in our country, and become an important force to train professional talents. In recent years, the employment pressure of graduates in our country has increased year by year, and the situation is becoming increasingly severe. Especially for the graduates of medical vocational colleges, the students are more stressed. Students can be in the intense employment environment. Whether the enterprise, the social recognition, and the success of the industry have attracted the attention of the students, the family and the society. The demand for medical talents is expanded year by year in the pharmaceutical industry. The key problem of the survival and development of the enterprise is the talent problem. At the same time, the development of medicine education has also made great progress and has pharmaceutical classes. The number of professional colleges and universities is increasing, the number of students recruited every year is also greatly increased, the level of training is becoming more and more perfect, but the graduates are still unable to get a good job. The main reason is that the career planning of graduation is not clear and the career orientation is not clear. With the needs of medical professionals, combined with the status of vocational career planning for medical vocational college students, taking effective questionnaire and telephone return visits and other means and methods, this paper investigates the growth situation and career planning of students in medical vocational colleges, aiming at putting forward medical classes based on the needs of pharmaceutical enterprises. The main contents of this study include: (1) systematically elaborate and introduce the related theories and systems of College Students' career, and discuss it with the latest research progress at home and abroad. (2) to understand the current situation of China's pharmaceutical industry, to design a questionnaire, and to analyze the questionnaire. Analysis of the requirements and standards and requirements of pharmaceutical enterprises for talents. (3) taking Zhejiang Pharmaceutical College as an example, through the investigation and data analysis of the status of students' personal career planning, the present situation of personal career planning for medical students in higher vocational colleges is summarized, and the influencing factors are analyzed. (4) theory and practice, Based on the requirements of pharmaceutical enterprises, this paper puts forward the countermeasures and practice of training career planning system through the curriculum system, the teachers team and the school enterprise platform, combined with the author's unit.



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