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发布时间:2018-04-22 11:34

  本文选题:高校 + 志愿者服务 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:自1993年开始实施青年志愿服务行动以来,在短短的近二十年的时间内,便取得了长足的发展,志愿服务活动为大多数公民所接受,志愿服务意识也不断增强。特别是集智慧与活力于一身的大学生志愿者,用自己高度的社会责任感和奉献精神积极投身于志愿服务事业当中,成为我国志愿服务队伍中的核心力量,在社会生活的方方面面都发挥着越来越重要的作用。从扶弱救困、扶贫开发到环境保护、大型活动;从社区建设到抢险救灾;从国内建设社会主义新农村到参加海外援助都发挥了积极作用。特别是2008年北京奥运会期间,大量的大学生志愿者通过自身的志愿服务不仅保障了奥运会的顺利召开,同时,他们高尚的奉献精神和社会责任感深深触动了每一位中国人的心,在社会上掀起新一轮的参与志愿服务的高潮,加速了中国志愿服务的实践进程。 多年的实践证明,以大学生为主力的志愿者服务工作在全国各地高校中蓬勃开展起来。这对大学生自身,对学校乃至整个社会都产生了积极的影响。首先,对大学生自身来讲,有助于树立正确的价值观,为大学生锻炼自我、提高自我,增强奉献意识和社会责任感搭建了有效平台,提升了大学生的综合素质。其次,对学校来讲,大学生志愿服务活动有助于营造良好的校园道德环境,推动当前高校德育工作的顺利展开以及高校精神文明建设的进程。最后,对社会来讲,在服务社会经济建设与构建良好社会道德等方面发挥了积极作用,同时,弥补了我国社会保障制度,有利于社会安定团结,对于构建社会主义和谐社会都有十分重要的理论意义和实践意义。然而,随着志愿服务活动逐渐增多,内容日益丰富,我国高校志愿服务事业在发展过程中也面临着许多亟待解决的问题和困境。我们必须从理论和实践上深入研究总结经验、挖掘规律,来保障高校志愿者服务活动持续、健康、高效的开展起来,更好的发挥服务社会的作用。本文着眼于当前大学生在志愿服务工作过程中出现的诸多现实问题,从政府角度、社会角度、高校志愿者组织管理角度以及大学生自身这四个方面存在的问题进行分析并有针对性的提出了完善高校志愿者服务的四点对策。本文除导论和结束语外分为三部分。 第一部分论述了我国高校志愿者服务的一般理论问题,包括高校志愿服务的相关概念界定;高校志愿服务的特点;高校志愿者服务活动的主要形式以及高校志愿者服务的作用。 第二部分在对当前我国高校志愿者服务现状做深入研究的基础上,着重剖析了目前我国高校志愿者服务存在的问题。主要包括以下几个方面:第一,来自政府的问题。主要是从政策引导不够和法律法规不健全两方面来分析。第二,来自社会的问题。主要围绕社会对大学生志愿服务活动的认可度不高,以及缺少必要的社会资金支持这两个方面展开分析。第三,高校志愿服务组织的问题。主要涉及到高校志愿服务组织的管理体制、志愿服务活动开展的形式和水平。第四,大学生自身问题。主要是大学生志愿者服务意识不强,能力水平有待提高。 根据第二部分阐述的当前我国高校志愿者服务存在的现实问题,我们有针对性的提出了解决的对策。所以,第三部分探索完善我国高校志愿者服务的对策。主要从以下几个方面出发,第一,政府加大扶持力度,主要从加强政策引导和建立健全法规方面做起。第二,社会应给予大学生志愿服务活动更多的认可和支持,主要从给予社会认可、营造社会舆论环境和拓展资金渠道方面进行论述。第三,高校加强和完善志愿服务管理,主要从完善志愿服务管理应遵循的原则出发提出建立多层次组织管理新模式,然后完善其运行机制主要包括招募机制、培训机制、评价和激励机制以及信息反馈机制。第四,大学生志愿者需要自我完善和发展,要不断加强学习、参加实践活动并不断总结经验,,提升理想信念。
[Abstract]:Since the implementation of the youth volunteer service in 1993, a considerable development has been made in the short period of nearly twenty years. Voluntary service has been accepted by most citizens and the consciousness of volunteering is increasing. In the volunteer service, the spirit of the spirit has become the core force in the volunteer service and plays a more and more important role in all aspects of social life. From the support of the weak, the poverty alleviation, the development of poverty alleviation and the environmental protection, the large-scale activities, the construction of the community to the disaster relief and disaster relief, the construction of a new socialist countryside from the country to the participation of the country. Overseas assistance has played an active role. In particular, during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, a large number of university volunteer volunteers not only ensured the smooth convening of the Olympic Games through their own voluntary service. At the same time, their noble dedication and social sense of responsibility deeply touched the hearts of the Chinese people and set off a new round of participation in the society. The climax of voluntary service accelerated the practice of voluntary service in China.
Many years of practice have proved that the volunteer service which is the main force of college students is flourishing in Colleges and universities all over the country. This has a positive impact on the University and the whole society. First, it is helpful for college students to set up a correct value view for college students to exercise themselves, improve themselves and enhance their self. The sense of dedication and the sense of social responsibility have set up an effective platform to improve the comprehensive quality of college students. Secondly, for the school, the voluntary service activities of college students will help to create a good campus moral environment, promote the smooth expansion of the current moral education work in Colleges and universities and the process of building the spirit of the University. Finally, the society is concerned with the service society. It has played an active role in economic construction and construction of good social morality. At the same time, it has made up the social security system in our country, is conducive to social stability and unity, and is of great theoretical and practical significance to the construction of a socialist harmonious society. However, with the increasing number of service activities, the content is increasingly rich and our country is high. The university volunteer service is also faced with many problems and difficulties that need to be solved in the course of development. We must study and summarize the experience in theory and practice to ensure the service activities of university volunteers to be sustained, healthy and efficient, and improve the role of serving the society. This article is focused on the current college students. In the process of voluntary service, many practical problems, from the government angle, the social angle, the university volunteer organization management angle and the college students' own four aspects of the existing problems are analyzed and targeted to improve the four point policy of university volunteer service. This article is divided into three parts except the introduction and the end language.
The first part discusses the general theoretical problems of volunteer service in Colleges and universities in China, including the definition of relevant concepts of voluntary service in Colleges and universities, the characteristics of college volunteer service, the main forms of volunteer service activities in Colleges and universities, and the role of volunteer service in Colleges and universities.
The second part, based on the in-depth study of the present situation of volunteer service in Colleges and universities in China, focuses on the analysis of the existing problems of volunteer service in Colleges and universities in our country. The following are the following aspects: first, the problems from the government are analyzed from two aspects: the lack of policy guidance and the unsound laws and regulations. Second, The problem of society is mainly about the poor recognition of the volunteer service activities of college students and the lack of necessary social funds to support these two aspects. Third, the problem of voluntary service organization in Colleges and universities. It mainly involves the management system of voluntary service organizations in Colleges and universities, and the form and level of the voluntary service activities. Fourth, Students' own problems mainly lie in the lack of strong sense of service for college students and the improvement of their ability.
According to the current problems existing in the second part of our university volunteer service, we have put forward the countermeasures. Therefore, the third part is to explore the countermeasures to improve the service of university volunteers in our country. The first is the following aspects. First, the government will strengthen the support, mainly from the strengthening of policy guidance and establishment. Second, the society should give more approval and support to college students' voluntary service activities, mainly from giving social recognition, building social public opinion environment and expanding financial channels. Third, colleges and universities strengthen and improve the management of voluntary service, mainly from the principles to improve the management of voluntary service should be followed by the principles to be followed. To establish a new model of multi-level organization and management, and then improve its operation mechanism mainly including recruitment mechanism, training mechanism, evaluation and incentive mechanism and information feedback mechanism. Fourth, college students' volunteers need to improve and develop themselves, strengthen their study, participate in practice and constantly sum up their experiences, and improve their ideals and beliefs.



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