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发布时间:2018-04-22 16:59

  本文选题:传统礼仪 + 教育价值 ; 参考:《湖南农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国传统礼仪自产生之初到发展至现代,一直因其具有的普遍性、继承性、差异性和时代性备受人们追捧。其自身所存在的这些特点注定了它必会成为我们的一种重要文化。但是时至今日,我们不得不面对现实,我们原引以为傲的中华传统礼仪也出现了一种式微现象。目前人们对礼仪呈现的大多是漠视状态,更有很多人不能做到知礼、懂礼。 礼仪的这种衰落现象影响的不仅仅是个体,很大程度上会影响整个国民的思想道德水平和文化发展水平,更为严重的会影响到社会主义和谐社会的建设和发展。党的十八大对文化大繁荣的明确提出,目的就是让我们的传统文化得以发扬,礼仪作为文化的重要组成部分,它的衰败必然会影响到文化大繁荣的发展。本文在礼仪衰败和文化大繁荣的这两个背景之下提出礼仪对大学生的教育价值,目的就是让大学生意识到礼仪的重要性,从而使得礼仪在他们中得以复苏和发扬。 本文从传统礼仪的基本概念入手,在时间上和形式上对礼仪进行了简单的概括,通过中华民族出现的礼仪危机和当前大学生礼仪表现现状——礼仪知识匮乏、礼仪表现欠缺等问题,为高校在大学生礼仪教育方面提出了一些可实施的有效途径:从礼仪的教育原则、教育内容和教育途径三个方面详细阐述了如何在高校开展礼仪教育,以此来指导大学生学会应用礼仪,从而更好的传承和发扬礼仪。
[Abstract]:From the beginning of Chinese traditional etiquette to the development of modern, it has been popular because of its universality, inheritance, difference and times. Its own existence of these characteristics doomed it will become an important culture. But today, we have to face the reality, we are proud of the traditional Chinese etiquette has also appeared a decline. At present, most of people show indifference to etiquette, and many people can not know and understand etiquette. The decline of etiquette affects not only the individual, but also the ideological and moral level and cultural development of the whole nation, and the construction and development of a harmonious socialist society. The purpose of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is to develop our traditional culture. Etiquette, as an important part of culture, will inevitably affect the development of cultural prosperity. This paper puts forward the educational value of etiquette to college students against the background of declination and cultural prosperity. The purpose is to make college students realize the importance of etiquette so that etiquette can be revived and carried forward among them. This article starts with the basic concept of traditional etiquette, summarizes the etiquette in time and form, through the etiquette crisis of the Chinese nation and the present situation of university students' etiquette performance-etiquette knowledge is scarce. This paper puts forward some effective ways to carry out etiquette education for college students, such as the principle of etiquette education, the content and the way of etiquette education, and expounds in detail how to carry out etiquette education in colleges and universities. In order to guide college students to learn to apply etiquette, so as to better inherit and carry forward etiquette.


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