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发布时间:2018-04-23 08:33

  本文选题:定性测评 + 定量测评 ; 参考:《思想教育研究》2013年12期

[Abstract]:The combination of qualitative evaluation and quantitative evaluation is the main principle of college students' ideological and political education evaluation. Through the analysis of the present situation of the research, the importance of the related research is further clarified, and through the research on the ways and means of its realization, the author puts forward the principles of the goal orientation, the integrity and the systematization, and the maneuverability of the evaluation of ideological and political education. It is suggested that qualitative evaluation should be used to guide the process of ideological and political education evaluation, and the whole process of ideological and political education evaluation should be promoted by the organic combination of qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods. And in the ideological and political education evaluation index system construction to give a comprehensive application.
【作者单位】: 四川大学学生工作部;四川大学党委;


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