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发布时间:2018-04-23 10:52

  本文选题:校友捐赠 + 基金会 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着高等教育扩招的推进,高校在校生人数激增,高校对师资及教辅设施等教育资源的需求急剧加大,为满足办学的需求和自身的发展,高校面临着高昂的高等教育成本。作为我国高等教育经费主要投入来源的政府投入,一直存在绝对量持续增加,但相对量屡屡下降的现象。校友捐赠作为高校特有的宝贵资源,是缓解高校财务困境,拓展教育经费筹措渠道,多元化教育经费来源,解决教育资源投入匮乏的重要途径,是有效分担高等教育成本的有效办法,因此,提高高校基金会的运作管理效率,关系着整个国家高等教育的持续健康发展。 本研究主要采用了文献分析法、访谈法和问卷调查法等研究方法,通过对广东国家“211工程”高校校友捐赠基金会运作管理的现状进行研究,,从受赠基金会与捐赠校友两个角度进行调查研究,旨在剖析挖掘其中存在的问题与不足,在此基础上运用项目管理九大知识领域的相关原理,探讨具有针对性的改进策略,为广东国家“211工程”高校乃至其他院校的校友捐赠基金会运作管理提供借鉴。研究结果如下: (1)在校友捐赠基金会运作管理的输入环节,工作人手不充分,须加强项目管理中人力资源领域的管理,充足组织的专职人员和兼职人手,以强化校友捐赠基金的输入运作管理。 (2)在校友捐赠基金会运作管理的输出环节,基金保值增值未得到真正有效开展,须重视项目管理中风险领域的管理,开展基金的保值增值工作,以改善校友捐赠基金的输出运作管理。 (3)在校友捐赠基金会运作管理的过程环节,信息的保存与公开管理工作未健全,须完善项目管理中沟通领域的管理,做好基金运作管理相关信息的保存与公开,以提高校友捐赠基金的过程运作效率。 除了加强校友捐赠基金会运作管理项目的各个知识领域的管理外,也要注重开展捐赠校友、受赠基金会、受益方及政府等捐赠相关主体之间的互动协调。另须学习借鉴国外大学基金会优秀的运作管理经验,在宏观上提倡政府为教育捐赠营造良好的政策环境和文化氛围,在微观上须日渐规范基金会自身的管理运作,以促进校友捐赠基金运作管理的持续发展,提高各校的捐赠基金运作效率。
[Abstract]:With the expansion of higher education enrollment, the number of college students has increased sharply, and the demand for educational resources, such as teachers and teaching aids, has increased sharply. In order to meet the needs of running schools and their own development, colleges and universities are facing high higher education costs. As the main source of higher education funds in China, the government investment has been increasing in absolute quantity, but the relative amount has been declining frequently. As a unique and precious resource in colleges and universities, alumni donation is an important way to alleviate the financial distress of colleges and universities, to expand the channels of raising funds for education, to diversify the sources of educational funds, and to solve the shortage of investment in educational resources. It is an effective way to share the cost of higher education effectively. Therefore, to improve the efficiency of operation and management of university foundation is related to the sustainable and healthy development of higher education in the whole country. This research mainly adopts the literature analysis method, the interview method and the questionnaire survey method, through carries on the research to the Guangdong national "211 project" the university alumni endowment foundation operation management present situation. The purpose of this study is to analyze and excavate the existing problems and shortcomings from the perspectives of the donated foundation and the donated alumni. On this basis, the relevant principles of the nine major knowledge fields of project management are used to explore the relevant improvement strategies. To provide reference for the operation and management of alumni donation foundation of Guangdong National 211 Project. The findings are as follows: (1) the importation of staff in the operation and management of the Alumni Endowment Fund is inadequate, so it is necessary to strengthen the management of human resources in the project management, and to strengthen the management of the import operation of the Alumni Endowment Fund with sufficient full-time and part-time staff. (2) in the export link of the operation and management of the alumni endowment foundation, the maintenance and appreciation of the value of the Fund has not really been effectively carried out, so it is necessary to attach importance to the management of the risk area in the project management, and carry out the maintenance and appreciation of the Fund, To improve the management of the export operations of alumni endowment funds. In the process of operation and management of alumni endowment foundation, the preservation and public management of information is not perfect, the management of communication field in project management should be perfected, and the relevant information of fund operation and management should be preserved and made public. To improve the efficiency of the alumni endowment fund process operation. In addition to strengthening the management of the various knowledge areas of the alumni endowment foundation, we should also focus on the coordination of the donation alumni, the donation foundation, the beneficiary and the government and so on. In addition, we should learn from the excellent operation and management experience of foreign university foundations, advocate the government to create a good policy environment and cultural atmosphere for education donation, and gradually standardize the management and operation of the foundation itself. To promote the continued development of alumni endowment fund operation and management, to improve the efficiency of each school endowment fund operation.


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