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发布时间:2018-04-23 22:06

  本文选题:高校 + 就业 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在信息化时代的今天,高校毕业生就业市场不断发展,其中包含的信息交互规模巨大、更新迅速,这对高校就业管理工作提出了更高的要求。如何及时准确地向学生传递招聘信息,如何让用人单位更快速、有效地找到意向的学生,如何在有限的资源条件下提高就业管理工作效率和时效,如何准确的掌握毕业生的就业状况等等,成为了高校就业管理部门迫切需要解决的课题。 结合武汉理工大学毕业生就业管理的实际情况,从实际工作经历出发,结合实际工作业务的实施过程,在充分理解和掌握毕业生就业工作的基础上,主要研究了实现就业工作管理信息化系统的技术及方法,通过对学生就业管理工作业务实施过程的分析,基于微软的.NET平台相关技术,按照软件工程的相关规范,采用Visual Studio2008开发工具和SQL2005数据库平台以及相关的Web开发技术,采用B/S开发模式完成了就业管理系统的设计与实现。 系统着重完成并实现了招聘管理、就业指导管理和系统管理系统,在实现中具体还包括了毕业生管理、签约管理、单位管理、招聘信息管理、数据统计上报服务、生源核对、就业信息统计、系统设置与权限管理等诸多应用功能模块。
[Abstract]:In the information age, the employment market of college graduates is constantly developing, which contains a huge scale of information interaction and rapid renewal, which puts forward higher requirements for the employment management of colleges and universities. How to transfer the recruitment information to students in time and accurately, how to let employers find the students with intention more quickly and effectively, how to improve the efficiency and limitation of employment management under the condition of limited resources, How to accurately grasp the employment situation of graduates and so on has become an urgent task for the employment management department of colleges and universities. Combining with the actual situation of graduate employment management in Wuhan University of Technology, starting from the actual work experience and combining the implementation process of the actual work business, on the basis of fully understanding and mastering the graduate employment work, This paper mainly studies the technology and method of realizing the information system of employment management, through the analysis of the implementation process of student employment management business, based on the related technology of .NET platform of Microsoft, according to the relevant specification of software engineering, The design and implementation of employment management system are accomplished by using Visual Studio2008 development tool, SQL2005 database platform and related Web development technology, and using B / S development mode. The system focuses on the completion and implementation of recruitment management, employment guidance management and system management system. In the implementation, it also includes graduate management, contract management, unit management, recruitment information management, data statistics reporting service, student source checking. Employment information statistics, system setting and authority management and so on many application function modules.


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