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发布时间:2018-04-23 23:23

  本文选题:价值多元化 + 价值选择能力 ; 参考:《暨南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:21世纪是一个选择的世纪,不断开放的市场经济、日益民主的政治制度、日趋宽容的控制方式,给予了人们真实的选择自由和选择权利,多元价值取向为人们提供了更多样的选择机会和更广阔的选择空间,同时也加剧了人的选择压力,,因为每一个选择都可能对人的生存和发展产生决定性作用,而人并不是生来就具备选择正确价值的能力,因此,学会选择成为了人提高生活质量、实现全面发展的自发诉求,而教会选择则成为了个人和社会对学校教育的根本期待。高校思想政治教育作为帮助学生认识世界、改造世界的中坚力量,理所应当要承担起培养大学生价值选择能力的重任,其教育内容、教育目标以及政治优势和组织优势,说明它是实现这一任务最合适的路径,这是高校思想政治教育治疗实效性不足这一硬伤,适应和超越社会现实的明朗出路。要培养大学生的价值选择能力,高校思想政治教育就必须革新传统的教育理念,尊重学生的主体性地位,改善一味地灌输结论的方法,关注学生选择价值的推理过程和实践过程,教会学生寻找价值、判断价值、比较价值、评价价值、创造价值的方法,培养他们的价值选择能力,重视他们的个性发展,让他们更独立更自由地对多元价值取向做出理性选择,建立他们面对未来世界的自信和实力,从而引导他们自觉地靠近思想政治教育所传递的正确价值,真正落实思想政治教育促进人的全面发展的最终目的。 根据时代变化、社会现实、个人发展对学校思想政治教育提出的要求,本文以马克思主义关于人的主体性理论和人的全面发展理论为指导,借鉴价值澄清理论,提出了培养大学生价值选择能力的理论支持,依照价值选择的进行过程,分析了构成价值选择能力的四个构成要素以及影响因子,在此基础上,围绕思想政治教育的主导性和价值选择的多样性之间对立统一的关系,探讨了高校思想政治教育培养大学生价值选择能力的路径运行机制,结合影响大学生价值选择能力的因素,阐述了思想政治教育的路径策略,最后,考虑思想政治教育的操作程度和影响力度,提议了以教学路径和组织路径为主的实践路径,在实际落实中推动建设大学生价值选择能力培养这一重要工程。
[Abstract]:The twenty-first Century is a century of choice. The open market economy, the increasingly democratic political system, and the increasingly tolerant control mode give people the real choice of freedom and the right to choose. The multi value orientation provides more choices and wider choice space for people, and it also aggravates the pressure of people's choice. Every choice may play a decisive role in the survival and development of human beings, and people are not born to have the ability to choose the right value. Therefore, learning to choose to be the spontaneous appeal to improve the quality of life and realize the overall development, and the choice of the church has become the fundamental expectation of the people and the society for school education. It is thought that political education, as a key force to help students understand the world and transform the world, should take the responsibility of cultivating the ability of choosing the students' value, the content of education, the educational goal, the political and organizational advantages, which indicate that it is the most suitable path to achieve this task, which is the effectiveness of the ideological and political education in Colleges and universities. In order to cultivate the students' value selection ability, the ideological and political education in Colleges and universities must innovate the traditional educational concept, respect the students' subjective status, improve the method of instilling the conclusions, pay attention to the reasoning process and practice process of the students' choice value, and teach the students to teach the students. To find value, judge value, compare value, evaluate value, create value method, cultivate their value selection ability, attach importance to their personality development, make them more independent and free to make rational choice of multi value orientation, establish their confidence and strength to face the future world, thus guide them to be close to ideological and political affairs. The correct goal of education is to carry out the ultimate goal of Ideological and political education to promote the all-round development of human beings.
According to the change of the times, the social reality and the demands of the individual development to the ideological and political education of the school, this paper, guided by Marx's theory of human subjectivity and the theory of man's overall development, draws on the theory of value clarification, and puts forward the theoretical support for cultivating the ability of choosing the value of college students, and analyzes the process of the selection of values according to the process of value selection. On the basis of the relationship between the dominant character of the ideological and political education and the diversity of the choice of value, the paper discusses the path operation mechanism of the ideological and political education in Colleges and universities to cultivate the students' value selection ability, and combines the influence of the value selection of college students with the four elements and the influencing factors. The factors of force, the path strategy of Ideological and political education, and finally, considering the degree of operation and influence of Ideological and political education, the practical path of teaching path and organization path is proposed, and the important project is to promote the cultivation of the students' value selection ability in practical implementation.



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