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发布时间:2018-04-24 22:33

  本文选题:普通高校 + 学费 ; 参考:《河南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国实行的普通高等学校收取学费的制度是始于上个世纪80年代末期,到现在已经运行了二十几年。在前期,,它的实施有效地缓解了我国高等教育资金投入不足的困境,扩大了我国高教投资渠道,适应了人民群众对于接受高等教育需求多样化的渴求,同时,也有利地促进了我国高等教育的快速发展。然而,伴随着我国高等学校的学费日益高涨,大学高学费问题日益受到社会各界的广泛关注,越来越高的学费,导致了许多家庭经济困难的学生上不起学,甚至辍学。高等学校收费制度的不合理方面日益凸显。如何制定一套符合我国国情的、科学的、符合广大人民群众切身利益的高等学校学费价格标准,已成为我国高等教育研究和高等教育实践面临的迫切问题。 本研究以文献法、比较研究法、数据分析法为主要研究方法,在公共产品理论、成本分担理论、教育公平理论、市场价格理论的基础上,以高等教育体制改革、市场经济转型为现实依据,梳理了我国普通高校学费定价的现状,分析了我国普通高校在学费定价中存在的问题及原因,并据此提出构建我国普通高校学费定价的对策措施。 本研究共分为六个部分。 第一部分为导论。介绍了论文的研究背景、选题意义、核心概念、文献综述、研究方法。第二部分为学费差别定价的理论依据。阐述了学费差别定价的理论基础和现实依据。第三部分为我国普通高校差别学费定价的现状梳理。通过相关统计数据,分析了我国同一地区不同层次、不同地区同一层次、不同地区同一类型高校和同一地区同一层次不同专业的学费情况。第四部分为我国普通高校学费定价存在的问题及原因分析。通过对数据的分析,我们发现了我国普通高校学费定价存在的问题。主要表现在:学费定价缺乏对成本数据的依赖、不能充分体现“谁受益谁负担”和“谁有能力谁支付”的成本分担原则。第五部分为我国普通高等学校差别定价的对策建议。具体表现在:借鉴国外学费定价经验、构建学费定价的数理模型、妥善处理学费相关利益主体之间的关系。第六部分为结论与讨论。介绍了论文的主要研究结论,阐述了论文研究的贡献和创新点,探讨了论文不足之处及后续研究的可能。
[Abstract]:The system of charging tuition fees in colleges and universities in China began in the late 1980s and has been in operation for more than 20 years. In the early stage, its implementation has effectively alleviated the predicament of insufficient investment in higher education in China, expanded the investment channels for higher education in our country, and adapted to the people's desire for diversified needs for higher education, and at the same time, It also promotes the rapid development of higher education in China. However, with the rising of tuition fees in colleges and universities in our country, the problem of high tuition fees has been paid more and more attention from all walks of life, which has resulted in many students who have financial difficulties in their families unable to attend school or even dropped out of school. The unreasonable aspects of the charge system in colleges and universities are becoming increasingly prominent. How to formulate a set of college tuition fee price standard, which accords with the national conditions of our country, scientific, and the vital interests of the masses of the people, has become an urgent problem in the research and practice of higher education in our country. This research takes the literature method, the comparative research method, the data analysis method as the main research method, on the basis of the public goods theory, the cost sharing theory, the education fair theory, the market price theory, the reform of the higher education system. On the basis of the transformation of market economy, this paper combs the current situation of tuition pricing in colleges and universities in China, analyzes the problems and causes existing in the pricing of tuition fees in colleges and universities in China, and puts forward the countermeasures for constructing the pricing of tuition fees in colleges and universities in China. This study is divided into six parts. The first part is an introduction. This paper introduces the research background, significance, core concepts, literature review, research methods. The second part is the theoretical basis of differential pricing of tuition fees. This paper expounds the theoretical basis and practical basis of differential pricing of tuition fees. The third part combs the current situation of differential tuition pricing in Chinese colleges and universities. Based on the relevant statistical data, this paper analyzes the tuition fees of different levels in the same area, the same level in different regions, the same type of colleges and universities in different regions and the same level and different specialties in the same area. The fourth part analyzes the problems and causes of tuition pricing in colleges and universities in China. Through the analysis of the data, we find the problems in the tuition pricing of colleges and universities in China. The main manifestation is that the tuition pricing lacks the dependence on the cost data and can not fully embody the principle of "who benefits who pays" and "who has the ability to pay". The fifth part is the countermeasures and suggestions of differential pricing in Chinese colleges and universities. The concrete manifestation is: draw lessons from the experience of foreign tuition pricing, construct the mathematical model of tuition pricing, properly deal with the relationship between the relevant stakeholders of tuition fees. The sixth part is the conclusion and discussion. This paper introduces the main research conclusions, expounds the contribution and innovation of the paper research, discusses the deficiency of the paper and the possibility of further research.


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