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发布时间:2018-04-25 01:11

  本文选题:高校教师 + 课堂教学 ; 参考:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:教师课堂提问质量是影响教学质量的关键因素,课堂提问质量的高低决定教学效度的大小。日本教育家斋藤喜博称提问为“教学的生命”。提问是教学过程中教师和学生之间常有的一种相互交流的教学技能,也是任何一种教学重要的、中心的技能;教师课堂提问不仅对于学生,而且对于教师都具有非常重要的意义,它不仅可以吸引学生注意力,引导学生积极思考,激发学习兴趣,而且学生的回答还可以使教师了解学生知识掌握状况,促使师生共同对于问题有更全面的把握和更深刻的理解。 高校教学改革是高等教育改革的核心,教学质量是高等教育质量的重心。教学质量的决定因素有很多,教师提问质量是其重要的一方面。而在高校课堂教学中,教师整堂课都在讲,节课下来一次都不提问的现象时有发生。或是提了问,也只是为了调节一下课堂氛围,而没有真正去探究实质性的问题。因此,高校课堂教学中提问功能异化,教师问题设计不当,提问类型不均衡,现实中教师不重视提问等,导致提问质量不高,提问不能够发挥其应有的价值。 本研究在开展高校教师课堂教学提问行为现状调查的基础上,通过理论探讨和实证研究,对高校教师的课堂教学提问质量作了较为深入系统的分析。本研究立足于规范完善教师课堂教学提问行为,提高课堂提问质量,从而提高教学质量,以期为广大高校教师课堂教学实践提供一定的参考。 本研究主要运用访谈法、课堂观察法及问卷调查法。在已有理论的基础上,本研究设计了教师课堂提问质量的5个一级指标——难度、效度、跨度、坡度、适度,每个一级指标下设10个二级指标,根据各个指标编制观察量表,并对量表进行信度及效度分析,均符合统计学意义上的信效度。对重庆市某高校42节课进行课堂观察,得出以下结论: (1)42节课教师总共提出问题118个,平均每节课提问2.81个,从每节课的平均提问数量看,工科理科文科。 (2)高校教师课堂提问质量的整体水平一般,均值为3.60,三大学科的提问质量整体均值较为接近,排名为:理科工科文科; (3)对三大学科的各项维度进行差异检验,一级维度总均值最高的是难度,均值最低的是跨度;二级维度中均值最高的是恰当时机,均值最低的是跨科知识;在一级维度上,工科与理科在提问的跨度上差异显著,理科显著高于工科;理科与文科在难度和跨度方面均存在差异,理科显著高于文科,而工科与文科无差异。在二级维度上,工科与理科在学科知识这一项存在差异;理科与文科在教学目标和学生水平以及学科知识均存在差异。而工科与文科仅在学科知识这一项上存在差异。 (4)提问类型方面,136个问题中,接近一半的问题属于知识型,所占比例为最大。理解型问题约占1/4,其次依次是分析型11%、综合型8.8%、运用型7.4%,而评价型问题所占比例为最小,仅有5.9%。 问卷调查针对该校的112名教师以及167名学生展开,调查涉及文、理、工、经济、管理、教育等学科,样本具有一定的代表性。调查结果表明:(1)绝大部分高校教师和学生认识到了提问的必要性,即97.4%的教师和89.8%的学生认为大学课堂上教师有必要提问;引导思考,形成互动、了解知识掌握为师生一致认同的课堂提问的重要的三大作用。(2)提问可以保持教师集中注意力以及组织教学则相对不被重视。(3)对于衡量课堂提问质量的十项指标,激发思考均排在第一位,跨科知识均排在最后一位,与观察结果一致。 本研究的价值有理论和实践两个方面。理论方面,丰富了提问研究在高等教育领域的成果,为提问质量的研究提供理论支持;实践方面,对高校教师提高课堂提问质量有一定的参考与借鉴作用。 本研究的创新点在于:(1)在对已有文献分析的基础之上,整理、编订《高校教师课堂提问质量指标》,为提问质量的研究提供一个参考标准。(2)制定了信效度合理的《高校教师课堂提问行为观察量表》,并运用它对高校课堂提问进行了观察研究。
[Abstract]:The quality of teacher questioning is the key factor affecting the quality of teaching. The quality of the classroom questions determines the size of the teaching validity. Japanese educationist Saito Kihiro called the question "the life of teaching". The teacher's classroom questioning is not only very important to the students but also for the teachers. It can not only attract students' attention, guide the students to think actively and stimulate their interest in learning, but also the students' answers can make the teachers understand the situation of the students' knowledge and grasp the situation, so that the teachers and students will be more comprehensive for the problems. The grasp and the deeper understanding.
The reform of college teaching is the core of the reform of higher education. The quality of teaching is the center of gravity of the quality of higher education. There are many determinants of the quality of teaching. The quality of the teacher's question is an important aspect. It is to adjust the atmosphere of the classroom, but not to really explore the substantive problems. Therefore, the questioning function of the classroom teaching is dissimilated, the teacher's problem design is unsuitable, the type of question is not balanced, the teacher does not attach importance to the question in reality, which leads to the poor quality of the question, and the question can not play its due value.
On the basis of the investigation of the present situation of the questioning behavior in the classroom teaching of college teachers, this study makes a thorough and systematic analysis of the quality of the questioning of the teachers in the classroom through theoretical and empirical research. This study is based on standardizing and perfecting the questioning behavior of teachers' Classroom Teaching, improving the quality of classroom questioning, and thus improving the quality of teaching. In order to provide some reference for the general university teachers' classroom teaching practice.
This study mainly uses interview, classroom observation and questionnaire survey. On the basis of the existing theories, this study designs the 5 first grade indicators of teacher questioning quality in the classroom - difficulty, validity, span, slope, moderate, each level index has 10 two level indicators, according to each index, the observation scale is compiled, and the reliability of the scale is made. The validity and reliability of the 42 classes of a university in Chongqing were observed.
(1) a total of 118 questions were raised by the 42 class teachers, with 2.81 questions per class on average.
(2) the overall level of the quality of College Teachers' Questioning in class is generally 3.60, and the overall mean of the quality of the questions in the three major subjects is close, which is ranked as science engineering arts.
(3) to test the differences of the dimensions of the three major disciplines, the highest of the average value of the first level dimension is the difficulty, the lowest is the span; the highest average in the two level dimension is the appropriate time, the lowest is the interdisciplinary knowledge; in the first degree dimension, the span of the science and Science in the question is distinct, science is significantly higher than science and science. There are differences in degree of difficulty and span between liberal arts and liberal arts. Science is significantly higher than liberal arts, but there is no difference between engineering and liberal arts. In the two level, there is a difference in the subject knowledge between science and science; science and liberal arts are different in teaching goals, students' level and subject knowledge. There is a difference.
(4) in the type of question, about half of the 136 problems belong to the knowledge type, the proportion of which is the largest. The understanding problem accounts for about 1 / 4, followed by the analysis type 11%, the comprehensive 8.8% and the application type 7.4%, while the proportion of the evaluation type is the smallest, only 5.9%.
The questionnaire survey was carried out by 112 teachers and 167 students in the school. The survey involved the subjects of literature, science, industry, economics, management, education and other subjects. The survey showed that: (1) most of the college teachers and students realized the necessity of asking questions, that is, 97.4% teachers and 89.8% students considered the teachers in the university class. It is necessary to ask questions; to guide thinking, to form an interaction, to understand the important three important roles of knowledge mastery in classroom questioning by teachers and students. (2) questions can keep the attention of the teachers and the organizational teaching is relatively unattached. (3) to measure the quality of questions in the class, the first, interdisciplinary knowledge is the first. All of them were in the last place, consistent with the observation.
The value of this study has two aspects of theory and practice. In theory, it enriches the achievements of question research in the field of higher education and provides theoretical support for the study of quality of questions. In practice, it has a certain reference and reference for college teachers to improve the quality of classroom questions.
The innovation points of this study are: (1) on the basis of the existing literature analysis, collating and arranging the quality indexes of Teacher Questioning in the classroom, and providing a reference standard for the study of the quality of questions. (2) the observability of classroom questioning behavior of college teachers is set up, which is reasonable and valid, and is used to observe the classroom questions in Colleges and universities. Research.



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