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发布时间:2018-04-25 03:28

  本文选题:集群行为 + 大学生 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在当今网络化、信息化的时代,高校大学生作为当代中国网民队伍的主力军,与各种网络集群行为或事件的发生有着密切的关联。本论文正是针对这个问题,深入研究网络集群行为,分析和寻找解决大学生网络集群行为的思想政治教育的引导方式与策略,这对当下的校园网络建设、网络宏观环境的净化以及未来网络社会生活的良性运行方面都有着极为重要的战略意义和深远的历史价值。本篇论文的主要内容如下: 1.主要在理论上对当前大学生网络集群行为进行分析。首先,主要分析了大学生集群行为的概念和特点以及大学生集群行为发生的条件和过程,也论述了西方学者通过对集群行为进行研究得出的理论解释,如感染理论、社会促进理论等。同时,阐述了大学生网络集群行为的的概念、特征和类型。关于类型从其价值认同的视角来分析的,主要可以分为求真、求善、求美的网络集群行为。 2.主要分析了大学生网络集群行为的现状与运行的规律性。首先,从宏观层面上分析了当前大学生具有正向和反向的网络集群行为。其次,主要阐述了网络集群行为发生、运行以及终结的规律性。 3.主要探讨了强化大学生网络集群行为调控的原则与措施。根据大学生网络集群性行为的规律性,对大学生网络集群行为的调控应该遵循以人为本原则、预防原则和协同治理原则,同时也要采取各种有效措施,,如及时察觉网络信息异常,加强网络监控,加强主流价值的宣传等。
[Abstract]:In the era of network and information, college students, as the main force of the Chinese Internet users, are closely related to the occurrence of various network cluster behaviors or events. This paper aims at this problem, deeply studies the behavior of network cluster, analyzes and finds the guiding ways and strategies of ideological and political education to solve the behavior of college students' network cluster, which is helpful to the current campus network construction. The purification of the network macro environment and the benign operation of the network social life in the future have extremely important strategic significance and profound historical value. The main contents of this thesis are as follows: 1. This paper mainly analyzes the network cluster behavior of college students in theory. First of all, it mainly analyzes the concept and characteristics of college students' cluster behavior, and the conditions and processes of college students' cluster behavior. It also discusses the theoretical explanations obtained by western scholars through the research on cluster behavior, such as infection theory. Theory of social promotion, etc. At the same time, it expounds the concept, characteristics and types of college students' network cluster behavior. From the perspective of value identity, types can be divided into network cluster behavior of seeking truth, good and beauty. 2. This paper mainly analyzes the current situation and running regularity of college students' network cluster behavior. Firstly, this paper analyzes the positive and reverse network cluster behavior of college students at macro level. Secondly, it mainly expounds the regularity of the occurrence, operation and termination of network cluster behavior. 3. This paper mainly discusses the principles and measures of strengthening the regulation and control of college students' network cluster behavior. According to the regularity of college students' network cluster behavior, the regulation and control of college students' network cluster behavior should follow the principle of people-oriented, the principle of prevention and the principle of cooperative governance, and all kinds of effective measures should be taken at the same time. Such as timely detection of network information anomalies, strengthen network monitoring, strengthen the mainstream value of publicity and so on.


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