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发布时间:2018-04-25 04:08

  本文选题:电视传媒 + 大学生就业 ; 参考:《山西财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:自1999年国家采取以“拉动内需、刺激消费、促进经济增长、缓解就业压力”为目标的高等教育扩招政策以来,我国高校在校生人数不断增加,目前已居世界首位。相应的,高校毕业生人数也在逐年攀升,毕业生规模已从2003年的213万人猛增至2012年的680万人,就业压力不断增大,形势日趋严峻。高校毕业生就业问题关系到我国高等教育的长期健康发展,乃至整个国民经济的增长和全社会的和谐稳定。如何提高高校毕业生的就业率、提升就业质量越来越成为各级政府、教育部门和社会各界高度关注的热点问题。 加强对大学生就业指导,有助于大学生合理规划职业生涯,转变大学生的就业观、择业观,提升大学生的职业化素养,为就业做好较为全面、充分的准备,能够有效提高毕业生的就业率。以美国、日本为代表的发达国家在大学生就业指导方面较早的开展了理论研究,积累了大量的实践经验,并取得显著成果。而目前我国的就业指导模式主要是以提供就业信息为手段,以就业安置为目的,以就业政策宣传为主要内容的“同质化”、“程序化”、“安置式”的指导模式。这种就业指导模式起源于计划经济时代,发展于市场经济初期,是20世纪90年代中期毕业生分配制度改革时所形成的指导模式,已经远远不能适应就业市场日益规范、信息化高度发达背景下,,社会主义市场经济发展对劳动力生产要素和人力资源优化、高效配置的要求。一种覆盖面广、影响力大、内容丰富,且适应多媒体和信息时代发展要求的就业指导模式亟待出现。 纵观国内外关于就业指导理论研究和实践经验,绝大多数聚焦于就业指导的内容,针对就业指导模式的研究可谓屈指可数,结合当代新媒体和传播理论进行就业指导研究的更是凤毛麟角。笔者受当下热播的中国教育频道的《职来职往》、天津卫视的《非你莫属》等电视求职类节目启发,从电视传媒视角出发,探讨我国高校就业指导模式的构建、完善与创新,具有一定的现实意义。 本文的创新之处:1、把电视媒体引入就业指导模式,用传播学的理论和电视传媒视角解读高校就业指导。2、把就业指导的对象从高校毕业生扩展到了用人单位、毕业生、高校、政府等四个目标对象,扩展了就业指导的范围。3、构建针对性、全程式的大学生就业指导模式。
[Abstract]:Since the government adopted the policy of "stimulating domestic demand, stimulating consumption, promoting economic growth and relieving employment pressure" in 1999, the number of college students in our country has been increasing, and now it ranks first in the world. Accordingly, the number of college graduates is also rising year by year. The number of graduates has soared from 2.13 million in 2003 to 6.8 million in 2012. The employment pressure is increasing and the situation is becoming more and more serious. The employment of college graduates is related to the long-term healthy development of higher education in China, the growth of the whole national economy and the harmony and stability of the whole society. How to improve the employment rate of college graduates and improve the quality of employment has become a hot issue that governments, education departments and all walks of life pay close attention to. Strengthening the guidance for college students' employment will help them to plan their career reasonably, change their view of employment and job selection, promote their professional accomplishment, and make more comprehensive and adequate preparations for employment. Can effectively increase the employment rate of graduates. The developed countries, represented by the United States and Japan, have carried out early theoretical research on employment guidance for college students, accumulated a lot of practical experience and achieved remarkable results. At present, the guiding mode of employment in our country is "homogenization", "procedure" and "placement mode" with the means of providing employment information, employment placement as the purpose and employment policy propaganda as the main content. This employment guidance model originated from the planned economy era and developed in the early stage of the market economy. It was formed during the reform of the distribution system of graduates in the mid-1990s. It has been far from being able to adapt to the increasingly standardized job market. Under the background of highly developed information technology, the development of socialist market economy demands the optimization and efficient allocation of labor force production factors and human resources. A kind of employment guidance mode, which has wide coverage, great influence, rich content and adapts to the development requirement of multimedia and information age, needs to emerge urgently. Throughout the study of employment guidance theory and practical experience at home and abroad, most of them focus on the content of employment guidance, and the research on employment guidance model can be described as a few. Combination of contemporary new media and communication theory for employment guidance research is rare. The author is inspired by the popular China Education Channel and Tianjin Satellite TV programs, such as TV job-seeking programs. From the perspective of TV media, the author probes into the construction, perfection and innovation of the employment guidance model in colleges and universities in China. Has certain realistic significance. The innovation of this paper is to introduce the television media into the employment guidance mode, to interpret the employment guidance of colleges and universities from the perspective of communication theory and television media, and to expand the target of employment guidance from college graduates to employers, graduates, colleges and universities. The government and other four target objects have expanded the scope of employment guidance. 3.


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