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发布时间:2018-04-25 06:32

  本文选题:工程教育 + 美国 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着近年来我国制造业、服务业以及对外贸易的不断发展,我国已经一跃成为世界第二大经济体,但是我国仍然在“中国制造”上停滞不前。我国是否能从“制造”大国迈向“创造”大国,工程科技人才的培养处于举足轻重的地位,因此只有培养出具备卓越创造能力、实践能力、卓越领导管理的全球领导者,我国才有可能实现这一飞跃。世界上许多国家已经意识到工程领导力的重要性,并纷纷将其纳入战略发展报告。工程领导力开发对于培养经济社会发展需要的、具备先进的创造力和创新能力,特别是领导力的工程师就成为较长时间内我们必须关注的问题。 本研究以工程教育和领导力的相关理论为基础,主要采用文献分析法和案例研究法等方法,首先介绍领导力理论和工程领导力理论的发展,然后对美国的工程领导力教育的发展状况进行了研究,之后以美国三所著名的院校所开展的工程领导力教育计划——麻省理工学院的“Gordon计划”、宾夕法尼亚州立大学的“工程领导力发展计划”、普渡大学的EPICS计划(社区服务中的工程项目)进行研究,并总结其中经验教训以供我国借鉴。 我国目前对于工程教育领域的研究,主要集中在培养工程人才的实践能力,对于工程人才的工程领导力开发的研究还基本处于空白阶段,在实践方面,也没有专门的工程领导力教育计划。由于我国高校目前对于培养工程本科学生的领导能力和管理能力还未引起充分的重视,在发展工程领导力教育方面也仅有少数高校在研究生阶段才对学生进行相关能力的培养,因此本研究的主要目的是介绍美国发展较为成功的本科阶段的工程领导力教育计划和项目,以对我国今后的工程教育的创新和改革提供一个可供借鉴的发展方向。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of manufacturing industry, service industry and foreign trade, China has become the second largest economy in the world in recent years, but China is still stagnant in "made in China". Whether our country can move from "manufacturing" to "creating", the cultivation of engineering science and technology talents is very important, so only the global leaders with excellent creative ability, practical ability, excellent leadership and management can be cultivated. Only then can our country realize this leap. Many countries in the world have realized the importance of engineering leadership and included it in strategic development reports. Engineering leadership development for the development of economic and social needs, with advanced creativity and innovation, especially the leadership of engineers has become a long-term problem we must pay attention to. Based on the relevant theories of engineering education and leadership, this study mainly uses the methods of literature analysis and case study to introduce the development of leadership theory and engineering leadership theory. Then it studies the development of engineering leadership education in the United States, and then the project leadership education program-the Gordon Project of MIT, which is carried out by three famous American colleges and universities. The Project leadership Development Program of Penn State University and the EPICS Project of Purdue University are studied, and the experiences and lessons are summarized for reference in our country. At present, the research in the field of engineering education in our country is mainly focused on training the practical ability of engineering talents, and the research on engineering leadership development of engineering talents is still in the blank stage basically, in the aspect of practice, There is also no special project leadership education program. At present, colleges and universities in our country have not paid enough attention to the cultivation of engineering undergraduate students' leadership and management ability, and only a few colleges and universities have carried out the cultivation of the students' related abilities in the postgraduate stage. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to introduce the successful undergraduate engineering leadership education programs and projects in the United States, so as to provide a developing direction for the innovation and reform of engineering education in China in the future.


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