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发布时间:2018-04-25 07:07

  本文选题:大学生激励机制 + 优化 ; 参考:《重庆交通大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:新的时代背景下,高等教育事业获得了难得的发展机遇,同时又面临着很多新的情况。高等学校的扩招,各种西方思潮的涌入,学生的观念日益复杂,传统的学生工作管理理念、方式和机制已很难适应形势发展的需要。教育的目的不仅仅是传递知识和技能,更重要的是能够激发受教育者的积极性、主动性和能动性,以推动受教育者进行有效的自我管理和自我教育,获得全面自由的发展。由于当前大学生激励机制对测评因素的处理针对性不够突出,学生的主体性没有得到充分发挥,确立的自我价值和社会价值逐渐贬值以及激励的后动力不足,这些问题都影响着激励效果发挥,因此大学生激励机制亟待进一步的优化和完善。 基于双因素理论的大学生激励机制借助于赫兹伯格的激励因素和保健因素的分类思想,引入了“工作内容丰富化”的重要思想,不同的激励因素所需要的深度有所不同,改善和重新设计了激励的内容,赋予学生更多的选择权,探索一个系统的、完整的激励机制。本文首先对当前大学生激励机制现状进行调查和分析,找到当前大学生激励机制的问题及其根源,在此基础上对激励教育的要素进行分类,即激励因素和保健因素的分类,分别提出一系列建议和措施,并充分结合了当前的时代特色,如和谐校园、依法治校等。 基于双因素理论的大学生激励机制的优化探索可以帮助教育者在教育过程中找到一个新的分析和处理问题的视角和对策,,同时对于充实大学生思想政治教育的人文内涵,引导大学生健康成长也有着非常重要的现实意义。
[Abstract]:Under the background of the new era, higher education has gained a rare opportunity to develop, at the same time, it faces many new situations. With the expansion of enrollment in universities and the influx of various western thoughts, students' ideas are becoming more and more complicated. It is difficult for the traditional management ideas, methods and mechanisms of student work to meet the needs of the development of the situation. The purpose of education is not only to transfer knowledge and skills, but also to stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative and initiative of the educatees, so as to promote the educatees to carry out effective self-management and self-education so as to achieve comprehensive and free development. As the current incentive mechanism of college students to deal with the evaluation factors is not focused enough, the students' subjectivity has not been fully played, the established self-value and social value gradually devalued, and the motivation of the post-motivation is insufficient. These problems affect the effect of incentive, so the incentive mechanism of college students needs to be optimized and perfected. The incentive mechanism of college students based on two-factor theory has introduced the important idea of "enriching work content" with the help of Herzberg's classification of incentive factors and health care factors. The depth of different incentive factors is different. Improved and redesigned the content of incentives, giving students more options to explore a systematic and complete incentive mechanism. This paper first investigates and analyzes the current situation of the incentive mechanism of college students, and finds out the problems and causes of the incentive mechanism of college students. On this basis, it classifies the elements of incentive education, that is, the incentive factors and the health care factors. Put forward a series of suggestions and measures, and fully combined with the current characteristics of the times, such as harmonious campus, school management according to law. The optimization and exploration of the incentive mechanism for college students based on the two-factor theory can help educators find a new perspective and countermeasures to analyze and deal with the problems in the process of education, and at the same time enrich the humanistic connotation of the ideological and political education of college students. It is also of great practical significance to guide the healthy growth of college students.


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