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发布时间:2018-04-25 06:47

  本文选题:高校辅导员 + 绩效考核 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国高等教育体制改革的深化以及高校逐年的扩招,从精英化逐步走向大众化的高等教育越来越受到人们的关注,特别是大学生的综合素质更加成为关注焦点。高校辅导员作为大学生思想政治教育的重要组成部分,其工作得到了国家教育部及相关部门越来越多的重视。从《中共中央国务院关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》(中发[2004]16号)的颁布到教育部《普通高等学校辅导员队伍建设规定》的出台就可清楚体现出国家对大学生素质全面发展的关注。 人力资源管理中的重要内容之一就是绩效考核。每一个环节都与绩效考核息息相关:员工的薪酬分配、培训、职务升迁、激励等。当今社会是人才第一的竞争社会,人才竞争越来越激烈,高校也开始认识到绩效考核对实际工作中的重要性,由此对包括辅导员绩效考核在内的教职工的工作建立了绩效考核体系。 我国现行的辅导员绩效考核体系发展尚不成熟,存在着考核指标体系设计混乱,定性指标与定量指标得不到有机结合,考核主体过于简单等诸如此类的问题。这些问题导致辅导员的绩效考核的效果大打折扣,甚至会使辅导员工作积极性受到打击。因此,分析研究目前高校辅导员工作特点和实际情况,改进完善辅导员绩效考核体系对于开发辅导员自身潜力,提高辅导员业绩是十分有必要的。 本文在详细阐述绩效管理与高校辅导员制度相关理论后,依据辅导员工作特点,结合辅导员工作实际,对CN学院辅导员绩效考核体系进行分析和研究,通过分析辅导员岗位职责形成职位说明书,用关键绩效指标(KPI)法确定考核指标,并通过层次分析法确定各指标权重,最终采用360度考核法建立了CN学院辅导员绩效考核体系,并对新体系的应用提出了相关的政策建议。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the reform of higher education system and the increasing enrollment of colleges and universities, people pay more and more attention to the higher education from elite to popular, especially the comprehensive quality of college students. As an important part of college students' ideological and political education, college counselors have received more and more attention from the Ministry of Education and related departments. From the promulgation of "opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on further strengthening and improving the ideological and political Education of College students" (Zhongfa [2004] 16) to the promulgation of the regulations on the Construction of College counselors by the Ministry of Education, it can be clearly reflected. The country pays attention to the all-round development of college students' quality. One of the important contents of human resource management is performance appraisal. Each link is closely related to performance appraisal: salary allocation, training, promotion, motivation, etc. Nowadays, the society is a competitive society with talent first. The competition for talents is becoming more and more intense. Colleges and universities are beginning to realize the importance of performance appraisal in practical work. Therefore, the performance appraisal system is established for the staff including counselors' performance appraisal. The current performance appraisal system of counselors in our country is not mature, there are some problems such as the confusion of the design of evaluation index system, the lack of organic combination of qualitative index and quantitative index, the simplicity of the subject of assessment and so on. These problems make the effect of counselors' performance appraisal greatly reduced, and even the enthusiasm of counselors get hit. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and study the characteristics and actual situation of college counselors' work and improve the evaluation system of counselors' performance in order to develop the counselors' potential and improve the counselors' performance. After expounding the theory of performance management and college counselors system in detail, according to the work characteristics of counselors and the actual work of counselors, this paper analyzes and studies the performance appraisal system of counselors in CN College. By analyzing the position description of counselors' job responsibilities, determining the evaluation index by using the key performance index (KPI) method, and determining the weight of each index by AHP, finally establishing the evaluation system of the counselors' performance in CN College by using 360 degree assessment method. And put forward the related policy suggestion to the application of the new system.


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