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发布时间:2018-04-25 16:55

  本文选题:寝室矛盾 + 人际关系 ; 参考:《技术与教育》2015年04期

[Abstract]:Students spend most of their study, life and emotional exchanges in their dorms. Dormitory is not only a space for college students to communicate, but also a cornerstone for them to step into society in the future. The interpersonal conflict in the dormitory of college students affects the study life and physical and mental health of college students. The interpersonal relationship problem is the most difficult and difficult problem for college students to adapt to. How to prevent and solve the interpersonal conflicts in the dormitory of college students can not be separated from the joint efforts of teachers and students themselves. This paper briefly introduces the main factors influencing the dormitory contradiction and some suggestions on how to improve the interpersonal relationship of the college students' dormitory, and some methods to deal with the dormitory contradiction as a counselor.
【作者单位】: 吉林工业职业技术学院;


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