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发布时间:2018-04-25 19:14

  本文选题:先秦儒家 + 生命观 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:生命是一个人最为珍贵的资产,生命对于每个人来说只有一次,没有了生命,一切都无从谈起。而教育是帮助人们珍爱生命,提升生命价值的事业。近些年,生命教育已经在全世界得到了迅速开展,受到了教育界的广泛关注。生命教育在我国也已经扬帆起航,生命教育将会成为今后学校教育的主要价值取向。生命教育虽然是一个新的教育观念,但是教育从古至今一直在追寻生命的价值,关注生命的发展。在历史的进程中去追寻教育的轨迹,才能更好的理解生命教育。 依来亚斯·哈内齐认为:“中国文化可能是世界上唯一能感召人们不要碌碌无为,不要虚度一生的文化。中国的文化把世界一切有价值的东西都放到生命里”①。中国传统文化中蕴含着丰富的生命教育思想资源。中国传统哲学从一定意义上可以说是有关生命的哲学,很多思想是围绕着人的生命思想展开的。儒家思想是中国传统文化的主流思想,对传统文化的形成和发展发挥了非常重要的作用。而儒家思想的发展经历了不同的时期,其中先秦儒家学说以积极入世的态度对人的生死、人生价值以及人生其他问题进行了深入的探讨和论述,蕴含着丰富的生命教育思想。探究先秦儒家生命教育思想,对于解决我们当前面临的许多复杂生命问题,,具有重要的理论价值。 本文总共分为七部分: 第一部分,前言部分。阐明了本文选题的背景及其研究意义,同时分析了当前国内外对先秦儒家生命教育研究的现状及其今后的发展前景,介绍了本文写作所采用的主要方法,采取的主要思路,最后介绍了本课题的创新点。 第二部分,对当前生命教育进行了简单的概述。对于生命教育的提出、内涵和理论进行了简单的阐述,介绍了当前生命教育的相关情况,为之后介绍先秦儒家生命教育思想奠定基础。 第三部分,对先秦儒家生命观进行了阐述。先秦儒家生命观是先秦儒家对于生命的一个基本看法,是了解先秦儒家生命教育思想的基础。阐述了先秦儒家生命观产生的理论渊源、以及所处的时代背景和主要内容。 第四部分,对先秦儒家生命教育思想进行了详细的论述。概括总结了先秦儒家生命教育所遵循的原则,提炼总结了先秦儒家生命教育的主要内容以及进行生命教育所采取的主要途径。 第五部分,对先秦儒家生命教育思想进行了评析。分析了先秦儒家生命教育的基本特征,对于先秦儒家生命教育,从正反两方面进行了评析,分析了其积极意义和消极影响。 第六部分,结合现实,论述先秦儒家生命教育思想对于当今高校思想政治教育的启示,高校要采取相应的措施,借鉴先秦儒家的生命教育思想,完善当前的教育体系,同时要创建和谐的生命教育环境,整合生命教育资源,加强学校、社会和家庭的联系,为当前学生生命的健康发展提供有利的环境和发展空间。 第七部分,结语。对本文的研究内容进行了概括总结,介绍了本文的研究成果以及存在的问题和不足。阐述了今后研究所努力的方向,力求在此文研究的基础上,实现新的突破,取得更大的进展。
[Abstract]:Life education is one of the most precious assets of a person . Life is only one time for everyone , and life is lost . Education is a cause for people to cherish life and improve the value of life . In recent years , life education has been rapidly carried out in the world . Life education has become the main value orientation of school education in the future . Life education is a new concept of education . Life education has always been searching for the value of life and focusing on the development of life . In the course of history , the track of education can be sought to better understand life education .

According to the author , " Chinese culture may be the only culture in the world that can call people not to do nothing , don ' t spend your life ' s life . " China ' s traditional culture contains rich life education thought resources . The traditional Chinese philosophy has played a very important role in the formation and development of traditional culture .

This article is divided into seven parts :

The first part , the preface part , illustrates the background and the research significance of this thesis . At the same time , the author analyses the present situation and future development prospect of the research on the life education of Confucianism in the pre - Qin period , and introduces the main methods and the main ideas adopted in this paper , and finally introduces the innovation points of this subject .

In the second part , the current life education is simply summarized . The present situation of life education is introduced in this paper , which lays the foundation for the introduction of the thought of life education in the pre - Qin Confucian school .

The third part expounds the Confucian outlook of life in the Pre - Qin Dynasty . The pre - Qin Confucian outlook on life is a basic idea of the Confucianism of the Pre - Qin Dynasty . It is the basis for understanding the thought of life education of the Confucian life in the Pre - Qin Dynasty .

In the fourth part , the thought of life education of Confucianism in the Pre - Qin period is discussed in detail . The principles of the Confucian life education in the Pre - Qin period are summarized and summarized . The main contents of the Confucian life education in the Pre - Qin period are summarized and the main ways to carry out life education are summarized .

The fifth part analyzes the basic characteristics of Confucianism ' s life education in the Pre - Qin period , analyzes its positive significance and negative influence on the Confucian life education of the Pre - Qin Dynasty .

The sixth part , combining with the reality , discusses the enlightenment of the thought of life education of Confucianism in the pre - Qin period to the ideological and political education in colleges and universities . In order to improve the current education system , we should establish a harmonious life education environment , integrate the resources of life education , strengthen the connection between the school , society and the family , and provide favorable environment and development space for the healthy development of the current students ' life .

The seventh part , the conclusion , summarizes the research contents of this paper , introduces the research results of this paper and the problems and shortcomings . It expounds the direction of the research work in the future , and tries to achieve the new breakthrough and achieve greater progress on the basis of the study .



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