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发布时间:2018-04-26 01:05

  本文选题:师范生 + 实习生 ; 参考:《江西师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:教育实习是师范教育不可缺少的部分,是师范生锻炼教育教学实践能力的重要途径,教育实习的质量在某种程度上关系到新教师的教育教学能力。然而目前,由于实习时间安排不合理、缺少稳定的实习基地、指导教师任务过重对实习生的关心不够、实习地点分散师生之间以及学生之间交流不便、资源获取困难等问题,直接影响师范生教育实习效果,影响新教师的质量。 随着信息技术的不断发展,越来越多的学者开始致力于研究信息化教育,将信息技术与教育实习相结合,,利用技术手段构建系统或平台解决实习过程中存在的某些问题,提高教育实习质量。 本研究在分析研究国内外文献的基础上,总结了教育实习、教育实习在线学习支持系统的研究现状并对它们进行概念界定。在调查了师范生教育实习工作开展现状以及师范生实习需求的基础上,对师范生教育实习在线学习支持系统的模型进行了设计和阐述,并对主要的网页进行了设计。 论文分为六个部分,绪言主要总结教育实习以及教育实习在线支持系统的研究现状。第二章界定了论文涉及的核心概念,简单阐述了论文的理论基础。第三章对教育实习工作的开展现状以及实习生的需要进行调查,分析出影响实习效果的因素。第四章根据调查结果以及学生需求对系统进行设计和阐述。第五章根据上一章的设计制作主要的静态页面。结语部分回顾整个研究过程,介绍研究成果以及研究中存在的不足和未来发展的方向。 将信息技术引入教育实习中,为教育实习提供技术上的支持。本文在调查师范生教育实习现状和需求的基础上,探讨教育实习在线学习支持系统的构建,希望为师范生教育实习提供帮助和支持。
[Abstract]:Educational practice is an indispensable part of normal education. It is an important way for normal students to exercise their ability in teaching and teaching. The quality of educational practice is related to the teaching ability of new teachers to some extent. However, at present, due to the unreasonable time arrangement of practice, the lack of a stable practice base, and the heavy task of instructing the teachers to the interns. The lack of concern, the decentralization of students and students, the inconvenience of communication between students and the difficulty of obtaining resources, directly affect the effect of normal students' educational practice and influence the quality of the new teachers.
With the continuous development of information technology, more and more scholars have begun to study information education, combine information technology with educational practice, use technical means to build systems or platforms to solve some problems in the process of internship, and improve the quality of educational practice.
On the basis of analyzing and studying the literature at home and abroad, this paper summarizes the research status and definition of online learning support system in education practice and education practice, and on the basis of investigating the present situation of the education practice of normal students and the needs of normal students' practice, the online learning support system of normal students' education practice is made. The model is designed and elaborated, and the main web pages are designed.
The thesis is divided into six parts. The introduction mainly summarizes the research status of the educational practice and the online support system of the educational practice. The second chapter defines the core concepts involved in the paper and briefly expounds the theoretical basis of the thesis. The third chapter investigates the present situation of the work of the education practice and the needs of the interns, and analyzes the effect of the effect of the practice. The fourth chapter designs and expounds the system according to the results of the investigation and the needs of the students. The fifth chapter makes the main static page according to the design of the previous chapter. The conclusion part reviews the whole research process, introduces the research results and the shortcomings in the study and the direction of future development.
The information technology is introduced into the educational practice to provide technical support for the educational practice. On the basis of the investigation of the current situation and needs of the normal students' education practice, this paper discusses the construction of the online learning support system for the education practice, hoping to provide help and support for the education practice of the normal students.



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