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发布时间:2018-04-26 14:16

  本文选题:大学生 + 文化人格 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:文化是一个民族赖以生存和发展的灵魂,它对于民族、国家乃至个人的发展都起着至关重要的作用。大学生是民族的希望,国家的栋梁。大学生的文化人格不仅对其自身的发展有着重要的影响,同时对我们国家、民族的文化也有着积极的作用,我们应当给予重视。文化人格是指独立个体在接受新文化冲击时,通过对新文化的认同、接受以及归化后所形成的具有稳定的心理结构和行为方式的个性表现。当代社会对大学生的文化人格要求的非常严格和全面:要具有正确的人生观、价值观;具有崇高的理想与目标;具有高深的学识和人文素养;具有良好的社会适应能力。培育健全的大学生文化人格是建设社会主义精神文明、坚持社会主义文化方向、保证思想政治教育实效性、指导大学生成才的需要。 当代大学生的文化人格现状总体来说是在学习中不断地追求进步的。即当代大学生能够树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观;不仅重视物质利益,同时也崇尚精神文明;追求个人发展也关心祖国强盛。在他们身上具有自主独立、积极进取、勇于竞争、敢于创新等优良品质。但同时大学生在心理结构中存在个体意识强、群体意识弱,自我责任强、社会责任弱,认同感强、践行能力弱;在行为方式中重文凭轻实践,重物质轻精神,重新观念轻老传统等问题。造成这些问题存在的原因很多,客观上主要是由于全球化的发展,网络化的普及,大众文化的传播以及我国思想政治教育方式滞后所带来的负面影响。主观上,当代大学生文化判断能力不足,文化选择能力欠缺也是其重要原因。 当代大学生文化人格中存在的问题不容忽视,塑造大学生健康的文化人格对于我们构建和谐社会,顺利进行社会主义建设具有重要的意义。我们要树立提升大学生文化判断与选择能力、增强大学生的社会责任感和促进大学生的全面发展的目标。我们要坚持民族性、先进性、主体性、开放性的培育原则,营造出健康的思想政治教育文化环境,通过加快高校政治理论教育方式方法的转型来提升当代大学生主体的文化自觉,坚定大学生主体的文化自信,引领大学生走向文化自强。
[Abstract]:Culture is the soul of a nation's survival and development, which plays a vital role in the development of nation, country and even individual. College students are the hope of the nation and the pillars of the country. The cultural personality of college students not only has an important influence on their own development, but also plays a positive role in the culture of our country and nation, so we should pay attention to it. Cultural personality refers to the stable psychological structure and behavior style formed by the independent individual through the identification, acceptance and naturalization of the new culture when he receives the shock of the new culture. The contemporary society has very strict and comprehensive requirements for college students' cultural personality: they should have correct outlook on life and values, lofty ideals and goals, advanced knowledge and humanistic literacy, and good social adaptability. Cultivating and perfecting the cultural personality of college students is the need of constructing socialist spiritual civilization, adhering to the direction of socialist culture, ensuring the effectiveness of ideological and political education, and guiding college students to become talented. The present situation of contemporary college students' cultural personality is, on the whole, pursuing progress in their study. That is, contemporary college students can establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values; not only attach importance to material interests, but also advocate spiritual civilization; pursue personal development but also care about the prosperity of the motherland. They have independent, aggressive, competitive, innovative and other good qualities. But at the same time, college students have strong individual consciousness, weak group consciousness, strong self-responsibility, weak social responsibility, strong identity and weak ability to practice. Rethinking old traditions and other issues. There are many reasons for these problems, mainly due to the development of globalization, the popularization of network, the spread of popular culture and the negative influence brought by the lag of ideological and political education in our country. Subjectively, the cultural judgment ability of contemporary college students is insufficient, and the lack of cultural choice ability is also an important reason. The problems existing in the cultural personality of contemporary college students can not be ignored. It is of great significance for us to build a harmonious society and carry out the construction of socialism smoothly. We should set up the goal of promoting college students' cultural judgment and choice, enhancing their sense of social responsibility and promoting their all-round development. We should adhere to the principles of nationality, advanced nature, subjectivity and openness in order to create a healthy cultural environment for ideological and political education. By speeding up the transformation of the methods of political theory education in colleges and universities, we can promote the cultural consciousness of the main body of contemporary college students, strengthen the cultural self-confidence of the subject of college students, and lead the college students to cultural self-improvement.


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