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发布时间:2018-04-27 08:25

  本文选题:国家助学贷款 + 诚信缺失 ; 参考:《湖北工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着知识经济发展,人才的重要性日益凸显,人们越来越认识到高等教育的重要性。在现代的经济全球化的进程中,高等教育的发展直接为经济的发展提供了先进的技术支持和坚实的理论知识,,是国家经济社会发展的重要基础。我国在着力扩大了高等教育的规模,然而也增加了高等教育的教育成本。国家助学贷款为家庭经济困难的学生提供了继续接受教育的有效途径。自实施以来,国家助学贷款帮助了数百万家庭经济困难学生实现了“大学梦”,已经成为促进我国教育发展的重要途径。 然而在实施过程中,由于国家助学贷款是一种政策性贷款,并且有仅凭信用即可贷款的这一特点,倘若大学生出现违约行为,势必影响该政策的可持续性。大学生国家助学贷款诚信缺失的原因及防范对策成为亟需探究的问题。因此,本文针对此问题,围绕国家助学贷款的相关主体,政府、银行、家庭、高校、学生五个方面对大学生国家助学贷款诚信缺失的原因进行探究,并从五个方面提出防范诚信缺失的对策。 具体来说,本文由六个部分组成: 第一部分:引言。主要阐述了本文的研究目的和意义、相关研究综述、研究思路及文章的创新点。 第二部分:系统阐述了国家助学贷款的理论基础,主要包括教育公平理论、高等教育成分分担理论和违约风险理论。 第三部分:梳理我国助学贷款政策的演进过程,为研究大学生国家助学贷款诚信缺失提供理论基础。 第四部分:在分析大学生国家助学贷款诚信缺失引发风险的影响及就诚信缺失进行分阶段介绍缺失表现的基础上,系统分析我国大学生诚信缺失的原因,主要包括:政府法律体系不健全,国家助学贷款定位不清晰;银行审核体系不完善,投入成本较大,后续跟踪管理不及时;家庭诚信教育缺乏,对孩子良好影响教育不到位;高校受制于传统教育模式,诚信制度建设滞后,助学贷款管理队伍建设不足;学生存在赖账逃债心理,对未来还贷信心不足。 第五部分:从政府、银行、家庭、高校、学生五大方面提出大学生国家助学贷款诚信缺失的防范对策。主要包括:从政府方面,优化社会的舆论环境,营造良好的诚信氛围;完善法律体系建设,健全助学贷款的相关政策;继续增加商业银行的风险补偿金,提高银行助学贷款的积极性,并采取必要奖励机制,促进商业银行发放助学贷款;针对不同阶段进行风险等级划分。从银行方面,完善审核体系,从简贷款手续和主动为满足贷款条件的学生服务;转变传统观念,积极推进国家助学贷款开展,推进国家教育发展;开展多样的还款方式,加强贷后跟踪管理。从家庭方面,加强孩子诚信教育,提升家庭自身素质水平;营造良好的家庭环境,加强孩子良好影响教育;从教育孩子“做人”入手,培养孩子良好的道德观念;孩子进入大学后,坚持对孩子的心理健康的关注。从高校方面,加强诚信教育,把诚信教育作为重要一课;增加感恩教育,把感恩教育与诚信教育相结合;加强高校在国家助学贷款中的桥梁作用;完善诚信评价体系、建立诚信档案。从学生自身方面,学生树立良好的诚信观;学习社会意识和责任感;学生合理定位,清晰就业观。 第六部分:总结,总结全文并提出有待进一步研究的问题。
[Abstract]:With the development of the knowledge economy , the importance of higher education is becoming more and more important . In the process of modern economic globalization , the development of higher education provides advanced technical support and solid theoretical knowledge for the development of the economy . It is an important basis for the country ' s economic and social development .

However , in the course of implementation , because the state - aided loan is a kind of policy - based loan , and it has the characteristic of credit - only loan , if the university student ' s default behavior , it will affect the sustainability of the policy . Therefore , this paper probes into the reasons for the lack of credit integrity of the student ' s state - assisted loan and the prevention countermeasure . Therefore , the article probes into the reasons for the lack of credit integrity of the student ' s state - assisted loan in five aspects , such as the relevant subject , the government , the bank , the family , the university and the student , and puts forward the countermeasures to prevent the lack of honesty from the five aspects .

Specifically , this article consists of six parts :

Part I : Introduction . This paper mainly expounds the research purpose and significance of this paper , the research overview , the research thinking and the innovation point of the article .

The second part : The system expounds the theoretical foundation of the state - assisted loan , mainly including the theory of educational equity , the theory of component - sharing of higher education and the theory of default risk .

The third part : combing the evolution process of the student loan policy in our country , and providing the theoretical basis for the study of the lack of credit in the student ' s state - assisted loan .

The fourth part : On the basis of analyzing the influence of the lack of credit and the lack of honesty , the paper systematically analyzes the reasons of the lack of honesty of university students , including the imperfection of government legal system and the unclear positioning of state - assisted loan ;
The audit system of the bank is not perfect , the investment cost is large , and the follow - up tracking management is not timely ;
Lack of family honesty education , bad influence on children is not in place ;
The university is subject to the traditional mode of education , the construction of the credit system is delayed , and the construction of the student loan management team is insufficient ;
Students have the psychology of debt evasion and lack of confidence in the future repayment .

In the fifth part , the paper puts forward the countermeasures to prevent the lack of credit for college students from the five aspects of government , bank , family , university and student .
Improve the construction of legal system and improve the relevant policies of student loan ;
Continue to increase the bank ' s risk compensation fund , raise the enthusiasm of the bank student loan , and adopt the necessary incentive mechanism to promote the commercial bank to issue the student loan ;
Risk level division is carried out for different stages . From the aspect of bank , perfect the audit system , the loan procedure and the initiative to satisfy the student service of the loan condition ;
To change the traditional concept , actively promote the development of state - assisted loan and promote the development of national education ;
Carry out various repayment methods , strengthen the post - loan tracking management . From the family side , strengthen the children ' s honesty education , improve the family ' s own quality level ;
Create a good family environment , strengthen the child ' s good impact education ;
Starting from educating children , cultivating children ' s good moral values ;
After the children enter the university , persist in the attention to the children ' s mental health . From the aspect of the university , strengthen the honesty education and take the honesty education as an important lesson ;
Increase the Thanksgiving education , combine the gratitude education with the good faith education ;
Strengthen the bridge function of the university in the state - assisted loan ;
We should perfect the system of good faith evaluation and establish a good faith file . From the students ' own aspects , the students should establish a good faith view ;
Learning social awareness and sense of responsibility ;
The students are reasonably positioned and the view of employment is clear .

Part VI : To sum up , summarize and present the problems to be further studied .



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