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发布时间:2018-04-27 08:21

  本文选题:变革型领导 + 创新气氛 ; 参考:《江西师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校既秉承研究高深学问、培养社会英才、同时也肩负服务社会、促进人类科学文明不断发展的现实使命。面对21世纪知识经济的到来,市场化的推进,高校组织也正面临着前所未有的变革。面对激烈的竞争环境高校也需同企业组织一样,考虑如何通过自身的组织创新来实现各方面资源优化,提升效率产出等,实现高校组织的可持续发展。 本文从管理心理学的视角,结合国内外相关资料编制了“高校管理实践调查问卷”,信效度检验指标良好。以34所高校的292人作为调研对象进行了实证研究,构建了变革型领导、创新气氛与高校组织创新的概念模型,通过相关分析、回归分析等方法检验了三个变量是可行有效的;证实了变革型领导,创新气氛对高校组织创新有明显的影响;解析了变革型领导、创新气氛及各维度对高校组织创新的直接正向影响效应差异及其交互作用。 本论文主要包括五个部分:第一部分为绪论,从总体上对本论文的研究意义和方法等进行了阐述,包括问题的提出、相关概念的界定、文献综述和研究思路与方法;第二部分对变革型领导、创新气氛以及高校组织创新的概念、内涵、因素结构与测量等进行了文献回顾与评述;第三部分主要是实证研究的理论模型与研究假设的提出,对以变革型领导与高校组织创新的关系、创新气氛与高校组织创新的关系、创新气氛的提出研究假设;第四部分研究设计,通过对研究样本的选择,,问卷的发放,数据回收统计,参考采用了对变革型领导、创新气氛、组织创新三个变量最佳的测量模型,以用Cronbanch’s α系数来检验变量的信度,验证了问卷具有较好的信度;本文实证研究的数据处理与分析主要采用SPSS来进行。第五部分,研究结论与建议,通过实证研究得出变革型领导和创新气氛对高校组织创新都有明显的正相关影响作用,通过各维度具体的影响结果分析并提出相关建议。 本文对高校组织创新的研究,符合时代变换要求,对高等教育的发展和高校管理创新具有一定的现实意义和理论意义,也是此领域为数不多的一次尝试性实证研究。
[Abstract]:Colleges and universities not only carry on advanced research, cultivate social talents, but also shoulder the realistic mission of serving society and promoting the continuous development of human scientific civilization. In the face of the coming of knowledge economy in the 21st century and the promotion of marketization, university organizations are facing unprecedented changes. In the face of fierce competition, colleges and universities also need to consider how to realize the optimization of resources and the promotion of efficiency and output through their own organizational innovation, so as to realize the sustainable development of university organizations. From the perspective of management psychology, this paper compiles the questionnaire of College Management practice by combining domestic and foreign relevant data, and the reliability and validity test index is good. In this paper, 292 students from 34 colleges and universities are taken as the objects of investigation, and a conceptual model of transformational leadership, innovation climate and organizational innovation in colleges and universities is constructed. Through correlation analysis, regression analysis and other methods, three variables are tested to be feasible and effective. It proves that the transformational leadership and the innovation climate have obvious influence on the organizational innovation of colleges and universities, and analyzes the difference and interaction between the direct positive effects of transformational leadership, innovation atmosphere and each dimension on the organizational innovation in colleges and universities. This paper mainly includes five parts: the first part is the introduction, the research significance and method of this paper are expounded in general, including the questions raised, the definition of related concepts, the literature review and the research ideas and methods; The second part reviews and comments on the concept, connotation, factor structure and measurement of transformational leadership, innovation atmosphere and organizational innovation in colleges and universities. The third part is mainly about the theoretical model and hypothesis of empirical research. The relationship between transformational leadership and organizational innovation in colleges and universities, the relationship between innovation climate and organizational innovation in colleges and universities, and the research hypothesis of innovation climate are put forward. The fourth part of the research design, through the selection of research samples, the distribution of questionnaires. According to the statistics of data recovery, the best measurement model of the three variables of transformational leadership, innovation atmosphere and organizational innovation is used to test the reliability of the variables with Cronbanch's 伪 coefficient, and the reliability of the questionnaire is verified. The data processing and analysis of the empirical research in this paper are mainly carried out by SPSS. The fifth part, the conclusions and recommendations, through empirical research, it is concluded that transformational leadership and innovation climate have a significant positive correlation on organizational innovation in colleges and universities, through the specific impact of each dimension of the results analysis and put forward relevant recommendations. The study of organizational innovation in colleges and universities conforms to the requirements of the changing times and has certain practical and theoretical significance for the development of higher education and management innovation in colleges and universities. It is also one of the few experimental empirical studies in this field.


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