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发布时间:2018-04-27 15:38

  本文选题:思想政治教育 + 德育功能 ; 参考:《湖南农业大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:After 30 years of reform and opening up, China's overall national strength has obviously increased, and its international status has improved significantly, especially in the areas of "hard power" such as economy and military affairs. However, we must also clearly see that our country is in culture. In terms of "soft power" such as knowledge innovation, there is still a long gap with other developed countries. Today, it is a society of great cultural integration, with all kinds of ideas, consciousness and culture coming into the current society of our country. Has had many profound influence to it. There is no denying that the great integration of culture has brought a lot of positive effects to the development of our society, but it has also caused some obstacles to the development of our traditional culture, and our society is in a period of transformation and transformation. The development of cultural undertakings is facing important challenges. Colleges and universities are a place to cultivate high-quality talents, and ideological and political education is an important course in colleges and universities, which relates to whether students can form correct value orientation and whether they can devote their own strength to the modernization construction of our country. As a moral education worker in colleges and universities, we must clearly recognize the current difficulties, now the moral education is facing a large number of new problems, the moral education means and methods usually used in the past have obviously lagged behind the requirements of the times. Therefore, it is urgent to innovate the new mode of moral education and explore new carriers of moral education. As one of the campus cultural activities, the Campus Culture and Art Festival plays an incomparable role in exerting the function of moral education. It can dig into the essence of campus culture, cultivate the advanced campus culture actively, and put the content of moral education in it. By incorporating the profound truth into the specific details, the educatee can be educated unconsciously and the function of moral education in colleges and universities can be brought into full play. As moral education workers in colleges and universities, we should recognize the important role of "cultural and artistic infiltration" in ideological and political education, learn to make full use of this special means, and introduce it into the moral education system. This will greatly enrich the connotation of moral education, enhance the effectiveness of moral education and the sense of the times.


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