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发布时间:2018-04-27 16:28

  本文选题:南京大学 + 本科人才培养模式 ; 参考:《南京大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:本科人才培养模式是指:在一定的教育理论、教育思想指导下,为实现特定的本科人才培养目标,构建相对稳定的教学内容和课程体系,管理制度和评估方式,实施本科人才教育的某种运行方式和标准样式,包括:教育理念、培养目标、培养内容、培养过程、质量反馈五个要素。 本科教育一直是各国高等教育的主体部分,承担着一个国家高级专门人才培养的基本任务。本科人才培养模式从根本上规定了本科人才的特征,集中地反映了一所高校的教育思想、办学理念、办学风格和人才观。只有建立了好的人才培养模式,才能从根本上保证人才培养的质量。自1999年高校扩招后,我国高等教育由于办学条件紧张,高水平师资不足等原因导致了本科教学质量的相对下滑,社会各界都对本科教育的质量提出了质疑。因此本科人才培养模式的研究对于转变高校办学理念,推进高校教育改革,提升高校本科教学质量,解决大学生就业难问题具有重要的理论和实践意义。 1984-1996年间,南京大学进行了一系列的本科人才培养模式的探索与改革,在改革开放中崛起。“为吸引一流生源、给予一流培养、造就一流人才”,南京大学在继承传统的基础上不断调整和创新本科人才培养模式,其“三个融合为一体”的教育理念,“两类人才”的培养目标,“扬优、支重、改老、扶新”的学科建设方针,“小型化”、“个性化”、“边缘化”的课程设置,多样化的评价机制以及相配套的教育教学运行机制(如:师资队伍建设、学校硬件设施建设、管理体制创新等),使具有南大特色的本科人才培养模式逐渐形成。经过这段时间本科教学理念的沉淀和本科办学实践经验的崛起,南京大学形成了切合自身办学定位,具有自身特色的人才培养模式,各项办学指标和综合实力均位居全国高校前列。 本文从本科人才培养模式的内涵入手分析其内容要素,在理论探索的前提下,深度挖掘史料,对南京大学1984到1996年十多年间本科教育理念、人才培养目标、课程结构与体系、培养过程、评价反馈以及教学运营机制等各方面的史料进行梳理,结合研究时间段内本科就读于南京大学人员的访谈材料,在经验总结、事实分析的基础上,概括出当时南京大学的本科人才培养模式。并且结合时代背景,对材料进行深入的理解与挖掘,提炼1984-1996年南京大学本科人才培养模式的特征,为当代高等院校推进人才培养模式改革提供借鉴、指导和较为明晰的操作思路。
[Abstract]:The training mode of undergraduate talents refers to: under the guidance of certain educational theory and educational thought, in order to realize the specific training goal of undergraduate talents, to construct relatively stable teaching content and curriculum system, management system and evaluation method. The operation mode and standard pattern of undergraduate talent education include five elements: educational idea, training goal, training content, training process and quality feedback. Undergraduate education is the main part of higher education all over the world. The training mode of undergraduate talents basically stipulates the characteristics of undergraduate talents, and reflects the educational thought, school idea, school style and talent view of a university. Only by establishing a good talent training model, can the quality of talent training be guaranteed fundamentally. Since the expansion of college enrollment in 1999, the relative decline of undergraduate teaching quality has been caused by the shortage of high level teachers and so on. The quality of undergraduate education has been questioned by all walks of life. Therefore, the research of undergraduate talent training mode has important theoretical and practical significance for changing the idea of running a university, promoting the reform of university education, improving the quality of undergraduate teaching, and solving the problem of college students' employment difficulties. From 1984 to 1996, Nanjing University carried out a series of exploration and reform of undergraduate talent training mode, and rose in the process of reform and opening up. "in order to attract first-class students, give first-class training and bring up first-class talents", Nanjing University, on the basis of inheriting the tradition, constantly adjusts and innovates the training mode of undergraduate talents, and its educational concept of "three merges into one", The training goal of "two types of talents", the discipline construction policy of "promoting excellence, supporting the old, helping the new", "miniaturization", "individualization", "marginalization" of the curriculum, The diversified evaluation mechanism and the corresponding operating mechanism of education and teaching (such as the construction of the teaching staff, the construction of the school hardware facilities, the innovation of the management system, etc.) have gradually formed the training mode of undergraduate talents with the characteristics of the South University. After the precipitation of undergraduate teaching concept and the rise of practical experience in undergraduate education, Nanjing University has formed a talent training model with its own characteristics. School-running indicators and comprehensive strength are among the top universities in the country. This paper begins with the connotation of undergraduate talent training mode and analyzes its content elements. On the premise of theoretical exploration, this paper deeply excavates the historical data, and analyzes the undergraduate education concept, talent training goal, curriculum structure and system of Nanjing University in more than ten years from 1984 to 1996. The training process, evaluation feedback, teaching operation mechanism and other aspects of the historical materials combing, combined with the research period of undergraduate students in Nanjing University interviews, on the basis of experience summary, facts analysis, Summarized at that time Nanjing University undergraduate talent training model. And combined with the background of the times, the materials are deeply understood and excavated, and the characteristics of the undergraduate talent training model of Nanjing University from 1984 to 1996 are refined, which provides a reference for contemporary colleges and universities to promote the reform of the talent training model. Guidance and more clear operational ideas.


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