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发布时间:2018-04-27 17:12

  本文选题:全球化 + 民族精神 ; 参考:《四川师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:民族精神是维系民族生存延续,促进民族发展的基本动力,是衡量国家综合国力的基本标准。随着全球化进程向纵深推进,世界上大国之间综合国力,特别是软实力的竞争日趋激烈。研究全球化背景下大学生民族精神教育问题,对提高教育实效性,培养具备中华民族精神特质,拥有强烈民族自豪感,立志为中华民族伟大复兴做出贡献的社会主义现代化建设者和接班人具有重要意义。 本文分为六部分,第一部分指出本文的选题背景和研究意义,研究现状以及文章的创新点。第二部分阐述全球化的概念及其影响,民族精神及民族精神教育的概念。第三部分对全球化背景下加强大学生民族精神教育所具有的提高我国文化软实力、实现高等教育培养目标、促进大学生健康成长等重要性进行论述。第四部分梳理了全球化背景下我国大学生民族精神面临的国家民族意识弱化、民族认同和文化认同淡化、人格塑造的消极影响等问题,指出教育中存在的对大学生民族精神的重视不够、内容缺乏针对性、方式单一等不足之处。提出西方社会意识形态渗透、全球文化的交流与传播、社会不良因素的存在是存在以上问题的原因。第五部分重点分析全球化背景下大学生民族精神教育的对策。提出需要加强民族历史和国情教育、传承和弘扬优秀的传统文化、积极借鉴外国先进文化传统和教育体制、密切联系实际,重视实施体制建设等具体对策。第六部分是对文章进行总结。
[Abstract]:The national spirit is the basic motive force to maintain the national survival and promote the national development, and is the basic standard to measure the comprehensive national strength of the country. With the development of globalization, the competition of comprehensive national power, especially soft power, among the great powers in the world is becoming more and more fierce. To study the problems of college students' national spirit education under the background of globalization, to improve the effectiveness of education, to cultivate the spirit of the Chinese nation, and to have a strong sense of national pride, The socialist modernization builders and successors who are determined to contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation are of great significance. This paper is divided into six parts. The first part points out the background and significance of this paper, the status quo of the research and the innovation of the article. The second part expounds the concept of globalization and its influence, the concept of national spirit and national spirit education. The third part discusses the importance of strengthening the national spiritual education of college students under the background of globalization to improve the soft power of Chinese culture, to achieve the goal of higher education, and to promote the healthy growth of college students. The fourth part combs the national consciousness weakening, the national identity and the cultural identity desalination, the personality molding negative influence and so on under the globalization background our country university student national spirit faces, etc. It is pointed out that the national spirit of college students is not paid enough attention to, the content is short of pertinence and the way is single. It is pointed out that the above problems are caused by the infiltration of western social ideology, the communication and dissemination of global culture, and the existence of bad social factors. The fifth part analyzes the countermeasures of college students'national spirit education under the background of globalization. It is necessary to strengthen the education of national history and national conditions, to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional culture, to learn from the advanced cultural tradition and educational system of foreign countries, to closely connect with the reality, and to attach importance to the implementation of the system construction and other concrete countermeasures. The sixth part is the summary of the article.


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