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发布时间:2018-04-28 03:55

  本文选题:项目管理成熟度 + 评价指标体系 ; 参考:《东北大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The project management maturity model provides a self-evaluation and continuous improvement framework for the gradual improvement of the organization's project management level. Based on the project management process, the model divides the development and evolution of the organization's project management level from the lower level to the highest level into several levels in an orderly manner, and constructs a platform for gradual improvement. With the help of the project management maturity model, the organization can evaluate its current project management level, at the same time, it can identify its shortcomings in the management process and find out the defects in its project management process accordingly. In order to continuously improve the enterprise's own project management level, so that the organization's project management ability continues to grow. Among them, the higher grade in the maturity model contains all the goals and process standards of the lower level, which also symbolizes the process of the continuous upgrading of the maturity of the organization's project management, and is also the dynamic process of the gradual accumulation of the level of the organization's own project management. Because the school has the kind of enterprise nature, therefore belongs to the project maturity model application scope. In this paper, the national key construction colleges and foreign universities as the main research field, from the qualitative and quantitative aspects to demonstrate the necessity and feasibility of the implementation of the Chinese and foreign universities strategic alliance teaching management maturity model. Then the model is designed. For this reason, this paper will first of all start with the characteristics of Sino-foreign universities and colleges and the application of the project management maturity model, determine the topic, analyze the existing problems in the theory of strategic alliance, maturity model and Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools. Through interview and questionnaire survey, the evaluation index is collected and classified, and the key process area and its objectives are determined. The model is established by combining with the project management maturity model, and the hierarchical division and evaluation method of the model are studied. Finally, in the form of case analysis, the application of the model is elaborated.


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