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发布时间:2018-04-28 08:01

  本文选题:思维导图 + 创新型人才 ; 参考:《哈尔滨理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:21世纪是知识经济时代,培养创新型人才是高校的核心使命。21世纪更是一个方法的时代。因为知识更新速度逐渐加快,知识积累成几何级数增长,只靠传统的教学方法和学习方法,记住陈旧的知识,已经不能够跟上知识更新的步伐。 思维导图是一种思维工具,由英国研究者托尼·巴赞于20世纪60年代创造,旨在充分挖掘人类大脑的潜力,实现思维过程的可视化,通过图像、线条、文字、色彩等因素激发大脑的创造力。作为有效的图示工具,能够很好地促进学习者灵感的产生和发散思维的形成,从而培养和发展创新思维和学习力,并引导学习者学会学习,学会创新。 本研究就是将思维导图与创新型人才培养结合起来,,通过分析思维导图和我国创新型人才培养的现状,深度剖析创新型人才具备的特征,结合涉及到的相关脑科学理论、学习理论、教学理论以及心理学理论,探讨将思维导图应用到教学实践与学习中,以期探索出能够有效培养学生创新思维和学习力的方法并应用到实践中。 本研究主要运用文献研究法、对比研究法、调查研究法和案例研究法,在分析创新型人才的特征的基础上,着重对培养学生的创新思维和学习力,分别进行方案设计,并通过可行性分析和案例分析,从理论和实践两个方面论证了该方法的可行性。
[Abstract]:The 21st century is the era of knowledge economy, and the cultivation of innovative talents is the core mission of colleges and universities. Because the speed of knowledge renewal is gradually quickening, the accumulation of knowledge becomes geometric progression, only relying on the traditional teaching methods and learning methods, memorizing the old knowledge, can no longer keep up with the pace of knowledge renewal. The mind Map is a thinking tool created by British researcher Tony Barzan in the 1960s to fully tap the potential of the human brain and to visualize the process of thinking through images, lines, words. Factors such as color stimulate the creativity of the brain. As an effective graphic tool, it can promote the generation of learners' inspiration and the formation of divergent thinking, so as to cultivate and develop innovative thinking and learning ability, and guide learners to learn to learn and learn to innovate. The purpose of this study is to combine the mapping of thinking with the cultivation of innovative talents. By analyzing the current situation of thinking mapping and the cultivation of innovative talents in China, the characteristics of innovative talents are deeply analyzed, and the related brain science theories are combined. Learning theory, teaching theory and psychology theory, this paper discusses the application of thinking map to teaching practice and learning, in order to find out the method that can effectively cultivate students' creative thinking and learning ability and apply it to practice. This research mainly uses the literature research method, the contrast research method, the investigation research method and the case study method. On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of the innovative talents, this study focuses on the training of students' innovative thinking and learning ability, and carries on the scheme design separately. Through feasibility analysis and case analysis, the feasibility of this method is demonstrated in theory and practice.


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