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发布时间:2018-04-28 12:41

  本文选题:教育实习 + 英语实习老师 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:自从2007年免费师范生政策在六所教育部直属师范高校实施以来,作为一种全新的教师培养模式,免费师范生的教育备受关注。教育实习是师范生教育过程中比较重要的一个环节,通过教育实习,可以使学生把知识综合运用于教育和教学实践,以培养和锻炼学生从事教育和教学工作的能力,并加深和巩固学生的专业思想。 本文以《华中师范大学教育实习工作条例》和《外国语学院英语系2009级教育实习工作计划》作为理论依据,同时采用反思性写作法、问卷调查法和访谈法等研究方法,以华中师范大学外国语学院2009级215名实习生作为研究对象,分析英语免费师范生教育实习中的收获和存在的问题,初步探析问题出现的原因并给予一定的改革建议。问卷得到的数据通过社会统计学软件(SPSS16.0)和Excel软件进行了处理。 根据调查结果,英语实习生教育实习收获很多,积累了一定的英语教学经验和教学技巧,熟悉了班主任的职责并有效完成了日常班主任管理工作,学会了如何展开教育调查并从教育调查结果中更加了解当前中学英语教学的现状,学会了面对困难并通过自己的努力去解决问题的生活经历。同时,本文呈现了教育实习过程中的六个主要问题:一是个人对英语教学实习准备的不充分,二是缺乏实习学校的支持,三是不能很好地处理与学生之间的关系,四是对教育调查不够重视,五是带队老师的指导不足,六是实习经费不足。针对上述问题,本文从师范生个人,院系和学校主客观因素入手,提出了较为实际的建议,希望能给后续研究提供一定的参考价值。应当指出,本研究存在一定的局限性,因此,英语免费师范生的教育实习还有待进一步深入和后续的研究。
[Abstract]:Since the implementation of the policy of free normal students in six colleges and universities directly under the Ministry of Education in 2007, as a new mode of teacher training, the education of free normal students has received much attention. The practice of education is an important link in the process of education for normal school students. Through the practice of education, students can apply their knowledge to education and teaching practice comprehensively, so as to cultivate and train the ability of students to engage in education and teaching. And deepen and consolidate the student's professional thought. This paper takes "regulations on Educational practice in Central China normal University" and "Education practice Plan of Grade 2009 in English Department of Foreign languages University" as the theoretical basis. At the same time, it adopts reflective writing method, questionnaire survey and interview method, etc. Taking 2009 interns of Foreign languages College of Central China normal University as the research object, this paper analyzes the achievements and problems in the teaching practice of English free normal students, analyzes the causes of the problems and gives some suggestions for reform. The data were processed by SPSS 16.0 and Excel software. According to the results of the investigation, English interns have gained a lot of experience and skills in English teaching, have become familiar with the duties of the head teacher and have effectively completed the daily management of the class teacher. I have learned how to carry out educational investigation and know more about the present situation of English teaching in middle school from the results of educational survey. I have learned how to face difficulties and solve the problems through my own life experience. At the same time, this paper presents six main problems in the process of educational practice: first, the lack of personal preparation for English teaching practice; second, lack of support from practice schools; third, failure to deal with the relationship between students and students. Fourth, insufficient attention to education investigation, fifth, insufficient guidance of the teachers, and sixth, insufficient funds for internship. In view of the above problems, this paper starts with the subjective and objective factors of teachers' students, departments and colleges, and puts forward some practical suggestions, hoping to provide some reference value for the follow-up study. It should be pointed out that there are some limitations in this study.


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1 秦晓旭;高校英语教育硕士教育实习的现状调查研究[D];山东师范大学;2012年




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