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发布时间:2018-04-28 23:11

  本文选题:高校思想政治教育 + 认同心理机制 ; 参考:《首都师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:对高校思想政治教育认同问题的深入研究是时代发展提出的新课题,是提高高校思想政治教育实效性的重要途径,也是促进青年大学生更好发展的必然要求。文化多样性和价值取向多元化的大背景,社会热点、难点问题层出不穷,大学生要求实现个人利益和需要的新需求为思想政治教育认同活动提出了新的挑战和要求。高校思想政治教育认同活动的有效开展能够使认同主体自觉、自愿地接受社会主义价值核心体系,并在正确价值理论的引导下解决个人发展中遇到的难题,从而实现对教育内容由“熟知”到“真知”,由“真知”到“真行”的跨越。社会的发展需要充分发挥思想政治教育认同的价值引领和凝聚人心的重要作用。 论文分四个部分论述了高校思想政治教育认同问题,第一部分从“认同”概念的界定出发阐述高校思想政治教育认同的内涵,详细阐述了高校思想政治教育认同的要素、特点,四种认同心理机制及其内在的相互关系。 第二部分通过借鉴他人的调查数据和个人的现实思考,论述了高校思想政治教育认同中存在的认知认同障碍、情感认同障碍、价值认同障碍和行为认同障碍。 第三部分依据高校思想政治教育中存在的现实障碍从认同主体的角度、教育者的角度、教育内容的角度和教育方法的角度理性分析了障碍产生的原因。 第四部分是论文的重点部分,是通过对现实障碍和原因的深入分析提出的提高思想政治教育认同的具体路径,以及提高思想政治教育实效性的主要对策,从而促进认同主体认同机制的良性运行。
[Abstract]:The in-depth study on the identity of ideological and political education in colleges and universities is a new subject put forward by the development of the times, an important way to improve the effectiveness of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and an inevitable requirement to promote the better development of young college students. The cultural diversity and value orientation diversification background, the social hot spot, the difficult question emerges endlessly, the university student request realizes the personal benefit and the need new demand has proposed the new challenge and the request for the ideological and political education identification activity. The effective development of identity activities in ideological and political education in colleges and universities can make the identity subject consciously accept the core system of socialist value voluntarily and solve the problems encountered in personal development under the guidance of correct value theory. In order to achieve the education content from "familiar" to "true knowledge", from "true knowledge" to "true action" leapfrogging. The development of society needs to give full play to the value of ideological and political education to lead and unite the important role of people. The thesis is divided into four parts to discuss the identity of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. The first part expounds the connotation of the identity of ideological and political education in colleges and universities from the definition of the concept of identity, and expounds in detail the elements and characteristics of the identity of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. Four kinds of psychological mechanism of identity and their internal relationship. The second part discusses the obstacles of cognitive identity, emotional identity, value identity and behavior identity in the ideological and political education identification of colleges and universities by using the survey data of others and personal realistic thinking. The second part discusses the obstacles of cognitive identity, emotional identity, value identity and behavior identity in ideological and political education identification in colleges and universities. The third part analyzes the reason of the obstacle from the angle of identity subject, educator, educational content and educational method according to the realistic obstacles in ideological and political education in colleges and universities. The fourth part is the key part of the paper, through the in-depth analysis of practical obstacles and reasons, the specific path to improve the identity of ideological and political education, as well as the main countermeasures to improve the effectiveness of ideological and political education, In order to promote the identity of the main body of the benign operation of the identification mechanism.


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