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发布时间:2018-04-29 00:10

  本文选题:内蒙古地区大学生 + 心理求助 ; 参考:《内蒙古师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,,由于生活节奏加快,竞争加剧等多方面的原因,导致大学生群体中出现不同程度的心理问题,甚至出现一些校园恶性事件。心理求助作为一种积极求助方式,是一个维护大学生心理健康的重要手段。 然而,研究表明这种专业心理援助资源并未被大学生很好地利用,一般情况下,多数大学生都是在万不得已的情况下才会选择专业心理求助。面对心理困扰,选择心理求助应该是一种积极有效的解决办法,但大学生却将之拒之门外,原因何在? 纵观国内外关于大学生心理求助的研究,大多采用问卷调查量化研究的形式提出假设,进而验证,得到的结论较为零散,较少研究采用质性研究的方法,从被试的角度以个案访谈的形式系统的去了解阻碍被试心理求助的原因。 基于以上原因,本研究采用量化研究与质化研究相结合的方法,了解内蒙古地区大学生心理求助的基本状况,探讨内蒙古地区大学生对于心理咨询的认识以及影响他们寻求专业心理帮助的因素,并针对高校的心理健康教育工作提出一些建议与意见。 本研究将内蒙古大学、内蒙古师范大学、内蒙古农业大学、内蒙古工业大学的609位在校大学生作为研究对象,采用问卷调查和个案访谈的研究方法对内蒙古地区大学生心理求助态度以及影响因素进行了探讨。研究结果发现: (1)内蒙古地区大学生心理求助态度在性别、年级、专业、是否接受过心理咨询方面存在显著差异。女生比男生的心理求助态度积极;低年级比高年级心理求助态度积极;文史类、艺术类专业的学生比理工类专业的学生心理求助态度积极;接受过心理咨询的学生比没有接受过心理咨询的学生心理求助态度积极; (2)内蒙古地区大学生对于心理咨询的认识趋于正确;对于心理求助态度较为消极;影响内蒙古地区大学生心理求助态度的因素有:社会偏见、学校环境、个人特质、心理咨询本身;社会偏见中公众误解所占比例最大;学校环境中宣传力度所占比例最大;个人特质中自我暴露程度所占比例最大;心理咨询本身中心理咨询师所占比例最大; (3)对于高校心理咨询工作主要提出三方面的建议:学校方面、咨询师、咨询室。学校方面,希望可以定期开展各式各样的活动,使得大家进一步了解心理咨询;心理咨询师方面,要求有较高的专业水平,能够切实解决学生出现的问题;咨询室方面,对于其装修氛围、地点选择以及规模设备也提出相关的建议;
[Abstract]:In recent years, due to the accelerated pace of life, intensified competition and other reasons, there are psychological problems in college students to varying degrees, and even some vicious events on campus. As a positive way of seeking help, psychological help is an important means to maintain the mental health of college students. However, the research shows that this kind of professional psychological assistance resources are not well utilized by college students. In general, most college students choose professional psychological help only if they have to do so. In the face of psychological distress, the choice of psychological help should be a positive and effective solution, but the university students will be shut out, why? Most of the researches on psychological help for college students at home and abroad put forward the hypothesis in the form of questionnaire quantitative research, and then verify that the conclusions obtained are scattered, and the qualitative research method is less used. From the point of view of the subjects, we systematically understand the reasons that hinder the psychological help of the subjects in the form of case interviews. Based on the above reasons, this study adopts the method of combining quantitative research with qualitative research to understand the basic situation of psychological help for college students in Inner Mongolia. This paper probes into the cognition of psychological counseling of college students in Inner Mongolia and the factors influencing them to seek professional psychological help, and puts forward some suggestions and suggestions for the mental health education in colleges and universities. In this study, 609 college students from Inner Mongolia University, Inner Mongolia normal University, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University and Inner Mongolia University of Technology were selected as the research objects. The psychological help-seeking attitude and influencing factors of college students in Inner Mongolia were investigated by questionnaire and case interview. The study found that: (1) there were significant differences in psychological seeking attitude of college students in Inner Mongolia in terms of gender, grade, specialty, and whether they had received psychological counseling. Female students are more active than boys in psychological help-seeking attitude, lower grade students are more active in psychological help-seeking attitude than those in higher grades, students majoring in arts and history are more active in psychological help-seeking attitude than students majoring in science and technology. Students who had received psychological counseling were more active than those who had not received psychological counseling. (2) the college students in Inner Mongolia tend to have a correct understanding of psychological counseling; they have a negative attitude towards psychological help; the factors that affect the psychological seeking attitude of college students in Inner Mongolia are: social prejudice, school environment, and personal characteristics. Psychological counseling itself; the largest proportion of public misunderstandings in social prejudice; the largest proportion of propaganda in the school environment; the largest proportion of self-exposure in personal traits; the largest proportion of psychological counsellors in psychological counseling itself; 3) three suggestions are put forward for college psychological counseling: school, consultant and counseling room. On the school side, it is hoped that a variety of activities can be carried out on a regular basis so that we can further understand psychological counseling; psychological counsellors are required to have a higher professional level and can effectively solve the problems that arise among students; and counseling rooms are concerned. For its decoration atmosphere, location selection and scale equipment also put forward relevant suggestions;


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