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发布时间:2018-04-29 16:40

  本文选题:大学生 + 应征入伍 ; 参考:《江西农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学生应征入伍,是党和国家领导人、军委首长着眼加速国防和军队现代化建设,推进实施人才强军、科技强军的重大举措,是从源头上提高兵员质量的内在要求,也是军队依托国民教育选拔和培养士官、军官队伍的客观需要。大学生应征入伍工作的深入开展,对提高建军质量有着巨大的推动作用,特别是大学生相对于普通士兵有较高的文化素质,,对军队信息化建设有着现实和长远的意义。 本文首先对大学生应征入伍的现状概况进行了归纳梳理。近几年来,虽然大学生应征入伍的数量逐年增加,但存在入伍动机多元化、心理承受能力相对较弱、成才愿望迫切等情况。以80、90后独生子女为主体的应征入伍大学生群体,也给部队管理造成了一定难度,主要表现为:远大抱负与功利想法相互交织,如何夯实献身国防思想根基;渴望成才与眼高手低相依并存,如何激发扎根基层持久动力面临考验等“五个考验”。 其次,针对大学生应征入伍存在的问题及成因进行了分析。在招选主体方面,主要存在招选过程缺乏质量保证措施、组织机构不健全、使用过程中缺乏辩证的人才观等因素。制度环境方面,则主要是由于军地环境反差大、大学生应征入伍的良好制度环境保障还未形成。 最后,着重立足高校教育管理者角度,从积极加强高校国防教育宣传力度、努力推动高校国防教育课程体系发展、注重营造适合应征入伍大学生健康成长的文化环境、建立健全征募结合的新型征兵质量保证体系和不断完善大学生应征入伍的相关配套措施等五个方面,就加强与完善大学生应征入伍的对策进行了研究和探讨。
[Abstract]:The recruitment of college students into the armed forces is an inherent requirement for improving the quality of the armed forces from the source. The leaders of the Party and the state are focusing on speeding up the modernization of national defense and the army, promoting the implementation of major measures to strengthen the army by qualified personnel and strengthening the army by science and technology. It is also an objective need for the army to select and train non-commissioned officers and officers relying on national education. The further development of college students' enlistment has a great role in promoting the quality of military construction, especially the higher cultural quality of college students compared with the ordinary soldiers, which has realistic and long-term significance for the construction of military informatization. This paper first summarizes the current situation of college students'enlistment. In recent years, although the number of college students enlistment has increased year by year, there are many situations, such as diversified motivation, relatively weak psychological bearing ability and urgent desire to succeed. The group of enlisted college students, whose main body is the only child of the 80,90 generation, also brings some difficulties to the management of the army, mainly as follows: the great ambition and the utilitarian idea are intertwined, how to lay down the foundation of the thought of devoting to national defense; Eager to grow up and depend on each other, how to stimulate the grass-roots to face the test of lasting power, such as "five tests." Secondly, the paper analyzes the problems and causes of college students'conscription. In the subject of recruitment and selection, there are many factors, such as the lack of quality assurance measures in the process of recruitment and selection, the unsound organization and the lack of dialectical view of talent in the process of application. The institutional environment is mainly due to the contrast between military and local environment, and the good institutional environment for college students' enlistment has not been formed. Finally, from the point of view of university education administrators, we should actively strengthen the propaganda of national defense education in colleges and universities, strive to promote the development of the curriculum system of national defense education in colleges and universities, and pay attention to creating a cultural environment suitable for the healthy growth of enlisted college students. This paper studies and discusses the countermeasures to strengthen and perfect the college students' enlistment in five aspects, such as establishing and perfecting the quality assurance system of the new type of conscription combining with the conscription and constantly perfecting the relative measures of the college students' enlistment.


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