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发布时间:2018-04-29 23:40

  本文选题:美国高校 + 应急预案建设 ; 参考:《河北大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校是一个国家高等教育的载体和依托,不仅肩负育人重任,其稳定与否亦与整个国家和社会的稳定休戚相关。随着时代的变迁,曾经一方净土的象牙塔正成为一个越来越开放的系统,它所面临的外部环境日益复杂,随之而来的突发事件也层出不穷。一份有效的应急预案可被视为防、救、诫的良性循环,它能够在相当大的程度上影响高校应急管理活动的成效与效率。如何尽快建立起一套行之有效的预防和处理突发事件的应急预案体系,最大程度降低突发事件发生的可能性,减少其对高校成员生命财产安全造成的威胁,切实提高高校应急管理能力,营造一个和谐稳定的校园环境,无论对政府、学者还是高校管理者来说,都是一个必要且紧迫的现实问题。 有学者认为,美国公共危机管理的历史虽不算悠久,但经过在实践中不断发掘科学的方法并加以改进,现已形成相当完善的安全管理制度,成为世界公认的楷模。美国高校的应急管理作为其中一个部分,也已较为成熟。尤其自“911”事件之后,美国各级政府对校园安全管理均给予高度重视,制定了一系列法律法规;各高校亦针对自身特点,制定了科学的应急预案,规定各方人员的角色与责任,,以便在突发事件来临时,校内成员可以在预案指导下从容不迫地应对,尽最大努力降低突发事件的破坏力。 应急预案建设是包括应急预案的编制、实施、演练、评估及改进等在内的一系列工作,这些工作在应急预案的文本中均有所体现。本文在对美国高校应急预案文本进行梳理的基础上,介绍并分析了美国高校应急预案的体系、编制的过程、结构及内容;分别从理念、制度和操作三方面探讨美国高校应急预案建设的特点,指出其尚不完善之处;最后从国家和学校两个层面,为加强我国高校应急预案建设提出对策建议。
[Abstract]:Higher education is the carrier and support of a country's higher education, which not only shoulders the important task of educating people, but also has a close relationship with the stability of the whole country and society. With the change of the times, the ivory tower of the once pure land is becoming a more and more open system. The external environment it faces is becoming more and more complex, and the following unexpected events emerge in endlessly. An effective emergency plan can be regarded as a virtuous circle of prevention, rescue and caution, which can greatly affect the effectiveness and efficiency of emergency management activities in colleges and universities. How to set up a set of effective emergency plan system to prevent and deal with unexpected events as soon as possible, to minimize the possibility of emergencies and to reduce the threat to the life and property safety of college members. It is necessary and urgent to improve the ability of emergency management and to create a harmonious and stable campus environment for the government, scholars and university administrators. Some scholars believe that although the history of public crisis management in the United States is not long, it has become a fairly perfect safety management system and has become a universally recognized model through the continuous exploration and improvement of scientific methods in practice. The emergency management of American colleges and universities as one of the parts, has been more mature. Especially since the "911" incident, governments at all levels in the United States have attached great importance to campus safety management, and have formulated a series of laws and regulations. Colleges and universities have also formulated scientific contingency plans according to their own characteristics. The roles and responsibilities of the personnel of all sides are stipulated so that the members of the school can respond calmly under the guidance of the contingency plan and do their utmost to reduce the destructive power of the emergency. The construction of emergency plan is a series of work including the preparation, implementation, exercise, evaluation and improvement of the emergency plan, which are reflected in the text of the emergency plan. This paper introduces and analyzes the system, process, structure and content of the emergency plan of American colleges and universities on the basis of combing the text of the emergency plan of American colleges and universities. This paper probes into the characteristics of emergency plan construction in American universities from the aspects of system and operation, points out that it is not perfect, and finally puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for strengthening the construction of emergency plans in colleges and universities in China from the two aspects of state and school.


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