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发布时间:2018-04-30 00:25

  本文选题:社会责任投资 + 企业社会责任 ; 参考:《南京信息工程大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来社会责任事件频繁发生,企业社会责任在国内已受到各界重视。社会责任投资是基于社会责任理念的一种投资行为,它要求企业在追求最大利润的同时还要关注企业社会责任的履行,关注企业的环境保护、社会道德和公共利益等。改革开放以来经济大发展,环境和社会问题日益严重,人们越来越体会到企业社会责任的重要性。因此普及社会责任投资理念在构建和谐社会进程中意义重大。 企业社会责任不是单一的企业课题,为了使利益相关者的权益得到保障,政府部门也通过加强宣传和完善法规促使企业履行社会责任,但是单独的行政或法律措施并不足以保证企业能够成为良好的社会公民。社会成员的存在必然与集体、社会和他人产生关系,社会成员存在于社会关系中对自身负责外还要对集体和社会负责,正确处理这种关系并对自己应当承担的社会责任和使命的自觉意识就是社会责任意识。社会责任投资正是融入了社会成员的社会责任意识并运用到了企业发展中。大学生是走向社会进入企业岗位为国家建设做贡献的就业大军,在如今全球金融危机、国内外各种思潮冲击大学生思想的复杂时期,加之社会饮食焦虑、医药恐慌、建筑脆弱等各种事件正在危害社会和公众生活,高校思想政治教育中必须与时俱进渗透企业社会责任和社会责任投资教育。社会责任投资与高校思想政治教育,表面看似乎没有交集的学科点,但深层次两者具有很大的关联——高校要培养具有高度社会责任感的人才,企业则需要具有社会责任担当的从业人员,二者在目标上具有一致性,功能上具有契合性。社会责任投资是高校思想政治教育的应有之义。 本研究阐述了企业社会责任和社会责任投资的概念和内涵,分析了企业社会责任发展的现状,从时代发展、思想政治教育使命以及高校思想政治教育与社会责任投资的关联度出发,论证了在高校思想政治教育中融入社会责任投资教育的必要性。同时,通过总结英国剑桥大学和美国斯坦福大学重视企业社会责任教育的实践经验,结合问卷调查的我国高校大学生对入职企业担负社会责任之思想现状,从更新理念,“投资”思想政治教育工程;与时俱进,把社会责任投资教育纳入思想政治教育的内容体系;校企联合,实现大学文化与企业文化对接等方面,探讨了我国高校思想政治教育中强化社会责任投资教育的路径。
[Abstract]:In recent years, social responsibility events occur frequently, corporate social responsibility in China has been paid attention to. Social responsibility investment is an investment behavior based on the concept of social responsibility. It requires enterprises to pay attention to the implementation of corporate social responsibility, environmental protection, social morality and public interests while pursuing maximum profits. Since the reform and opening up, economic development, environmental and social problems are increasingly serious, people more and more realize the importance of corporate social responsibility. Therefore, popularizing the concept of social responsibility investment is of great significance in the process of building a harmonious society. Corporate social responsibility is not a single corporate issue. In order to protect the rights and interests of stakeholders, government departments also promote corporate social responsibility by strengthening publicity and perfecting laws and regulations. However, separate administrative or legal measures are not sufficient to ensure that enterprises can become good citizens. The existence of social members must be related to the collective, the society and others, the social members exist in the social relations to be responsible for themselves, but also to the collective and social responsibility, The consciousness of social responsibility is to deal with the relationship correctly and to realize the social responsibility and mission that one should undertake. Social responsibility investment is integrated into the social responsibility consciousness of social members and applied to the development of enterprises. College students are the employment troops who go to the enterprise posts to contribute to the national construction. In the current global financial crisis, various trends of thought at home and abroad impact on college students' thinking in a complex period, coupled with social food anxiety, medical panic, Various events such as building fragility are endangering the society and public life. In the ideological and political education of colleges and universities, the education of corporate social responsibility and social responsibility investment must be permeated with the times. Investment in social responsibility and ideological and political education in colleges and universities seem to have no overlapping disciplinary points on the surface, but there is a great correlation between them at a deep level-colleges and universities should cultivate talents with a high sense of social responsibility. Enterprises need employees with social responsibility, they have the same goal and the same function. Investment in social responsibility is the proper meaning of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. This study expounds the concept and connotation of corporate social responsibility and social responsibility investment, analyzes the current situation of corporate social responsibility development, and develops from the times. Starting from the mission of ideological and political education and the correlation between ideological and political education and social responsibility investment in colleges and universities, this paper demonstrates the necessity of integrating social responsibility investment education into ideological and political education in colleges and universities. At the same time, through summing up the practical experience of paying attention to the education of corporate social responsibility in Cambridge University and Stanford University in the United States, and combining with the present situation of Chinese college students' social responsibility to the entry-in enterprises, this paper tries to update the concept. "investing" ideological and political education project, keeping pace with the times, bringing social responsibility investment education into the content system of ideological and political education, unifying schools and enterprises, realizing the connection between university culture and enterprise culture, etc. This paper probes into the ways to strengthen the education of social responsibility investment in the ideological and political education of colleges and universities in China.


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