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发布时间:2018-04-30 15:30

  本文选题:大学生 + 网络舆情 ; 参考:《燕山大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:当前网络舆情冲击下,,如何充分利用网络舆情优势,推动高校“三观”理论和实践教育的实现成为值得研究的命题。网络舆情下的高校“三观”教育研究,可以进一步丰富“三观”教育内涵,推动社会主义核心价值体系这一思想政治教育的深入,增强大学生“三观”教育的实效性,对学生的健康发展及高校和谐稳定具有重要的理论和现实意义。 文章的研究主要分三个部分,首先想给出的观点是网络舆情的冲击造就了“三观”教育的特殊性,大学生树立马克思主义“三观”合理而必要;其次是要阐明的是针对当代大学生为教育对象,教育者在教育过程中应掌握网络舆情下“三观”教育的利弊条件,得出用马克思主义“三观”为指针迎接机遇战胜挑战充分而必要;最后提出,教育者要围绕“三观”教育主目标,提升“三观”教育本质,用马克思主义“三观”这一活的灵魂指针,深化和拓展理论,加强实践中的各项改革,统筹规划,步步推进,“三观”教育实效性势必会增强提高。 这篇论文全文在文献分析法基础上立论,找出了论证的合理论据,配合系统分析法从概念界定入手,层层展开,提出网络舆情下“三观”教育实效性不高问题,结合网络舆情冲击下给“三观”教育带来的机遇和挑战来深入分析问题,最后理论联系实际解决问题的研究方法,步步推进最终解决问题。
[Abstract]:Under the impact of network public opinion, how to make full use of the advantages of network public opinion and promote the realization of the "three views" theory and practice education in colleges and universities has become a proposition worth studying. The study of "three views" education in colleges and universities under network public opinion can further enrich the connotation of "three views" education, promote the ideological and political education of the socialist core value system, and enhance the effectiveness of the "three views" education for college students. It has important theoretical and practical significance for the healthy development of students and harmonious and stable colleges and universities. The research of this paper is mainly divided into three parts. Firstly, the point of view is that the impact of network public opinion has created the particularity of the "three views" education, and it is reasonable and necessary for college students to set up Marxist "three views"; Secondly, it should be clarified that the educators should grasp the advantages and disadvantages of the "three views" education under the network public opinion in the process of education, which is aimed at the contemporary college students as the object of education. It is concluded that it is necessary and sufficient to meet the opportunity and overcome the challenge with Marxist "three views" as the guide. Finally, it is proposed that the educator should focus on the main goal of "three views" education and promote the essence of the "three views" education. With the living soul of Marxist "three views", deepening and expanding the theory, strengthening all kinds of reforms in practice, planning as a whole, advancing step by step, the effectiveness of the "three views" education is bound to be enhanced. This thesis is based on the literature analysis method, finds out the reasonable argument of the argument, starts from the concept definition with the system analysis method, and puts forward the problem that the "three views" education is not effective under the network public opinion. Combined with the opportunities and challenges brought to the "three views" education under the impact of network public opinion, this paper analyzes the problem in depth, and finally combines the theory with the practical research method to solve the problem, and advances the final solution step by step.


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