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发布时间:2018-04-30 17:15

  本文选题:大学生 + 思想政治教育 ; 参考:《西安建筑科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:青年是民族的希望,中华民族的未来和希望都寄托在广大青年人的身上。当代大学生的思想政治素质和水平直接关系到我国未来现代化的建设水平和发展方向。因此,大学生的思想政治教育工作是大学生自身发展和高校育人核心任务的必然要求,其科学化水平也是提高高校教学水平和育人水平的关键因素之一。然而,随着社会改革的不断深入,大学生思想道德素质政治水平与党和国家的要求,仍存在很大差距。因此,如何提高大学生思想政治教育科学化水平是当前和未来思想政治教育工作中亟待解决的实际问题。 本文将在前人研究的基础上,通过文献研究、调查问卷的方法,,疏理大学生思想政治教育中存在的问题,并在分析问题原因的基础上,主要从思想政治教育内容、教育方式方法、教育效果评价这三个方面入手,为不断提高大学生思想政治教育科学化水平做进步一研究: 首先,通过对大学生思想政治教育科学化水平这一命题中基本概念进行解析,运用管理学中系统理论以及马克思关于人的全面发展理论为依据,进一步掌握思想政治教育科学化的内涵与本质;在此基础上,正确认识思想政治教育科学化中学术研究科学化、人才培养科学化和思想政治教育实际工作科学化三个维度之间的关系。 其次,通过整理学生和教师问卷、数据分析以及资料查阅,总结归纳大学生思想政治教育过程中存在的主要问题并进行具体分析:第一:学生对学习思想政治教育的重要性认识不足;第二:思想政治教育内容简单、空泛,脱离学生实际,缺乏吸引力和感染力;第三:对开展思想政治教育的有效实现途径的研究不够,教育方法不科学;第四:高校思想政治教育工作的队伍合力尚未形成;第五:大学生思想政治教育效果评价体系不健全等。 最后,在分析当前大学生思想政治教育中出现的各种问题原因的基础上,主要从提高大学生思想政治教育内容的科学化水平、教育方法的科学化水平和教育效果评价的科学化水平出发,构建提高大学生思想政治教育科学化水平的框架体系。
[Abstract]:Youth is the hope of the nation, and the future and hope of the Chinese nation are pinned on the vast number of young people. The ideological and political quality and level of contemporary college students are directly related to the construction level and development direction of our country's modernization in the future. Therefore, the ideological and political education of college students is an inevitable requirement for their own development and the core task of educating people in colleges and universities, and its scientific level is also one of the key factors to improve the level of teaching and education in colleges and universities. However, with the deepening of social reform, there is still a big gap between the ideological and moral quality and political level of college students and the requirements of the Party and the country. Therefore, how to improve the scientific level of college students' ideological and political education is a practical problem to be solved urgently in the present and future ideological and political education work. On the basis of previous studies, this paper will deal with the problems existing in the ideological and political education of college students through literature research and questionnaire, and on the basis of analyzing the causes of the problems, mainly from the content of ideological and political education. In order to improve the scientific level of ideological and political education of college students, this paper makes a progressive study on the methods and methods of education and the evaluation of educational effects. First of all, by analyzing the basic concept of the scientific level of college students' ideological and political education, using the system theory of management and Marx's theory on the overall development of human beings as the basis. Further grasp the connotation and essence of the scientization of ideological and political education, and on this basis, correctly understand the scientization of academic research in the scientization of ideological and political education, The relationship between the scientific training of talents and the scientific work of ideological and political education. Second, by sorting out student and teacher questionnaires, data analysis and data access, The main problems existing in the process of ideological and political education of college students are summarized and analyzed concretely: first, the students have insufficient understanding of the importance of studying ideological and political education; second, the contents of ideological and political education are simple and vague. Third, the research on the effective way of realizing ideological and political education is not enough, the educational method is not scientific, the fourth is that the joint forces of ideological and political education work in colleges and universities have not been formed. Fifth: college students ideological and political education evaluation system is not perfect and so on. Finally, on the basis of analyzing the causes of all kinds of problems in the ideological and political education of college students at present, it mainly aims at improving the scientific level of the contents of the ideological and political education of college students. Starting from the scientific level of educational method and the scientific level of evaluation of educational effect, the frame system of improving the scientific level of ideological and political education of college students is constructed.


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