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发布时间:2018-04-30 16:44

  本文选题:流行歌曲歌词 + 语意传递 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to reflect the main thread of the change of youth values by transmitting the semantic value of the lyrics of popular songs, and to analyze the results of the field investigation on the values of college students. From the perspective of history and reality, this paper tries to grasp the historical changes and realistic conditions of youth values, and then puts forward the guiding path of today's values education according to the regular characteristics of the changes of youth values. This paper uses the method of content analysis of communication science to quantitatively analyze the lyrics of Baidu TOP500 pop songs (1943-2011). According to the epoch of pop songs, this paper gives a general historical and vertical description of the values of young people. Combining with the questionnaire of college students' values, this paper describes the ideal values, the values of love and the concept of interpersonal communication in different stages, and concludes that the values of youth revolve around "self, others," The social "three major themes change: the youth self world has experienced the concrete change process from nothingness-awakening-upsurge---fall back and forth, the youth social world presents the fluctuation of the individual standard and the society standard back and forth; The world of young people has experienced the psychology of avoiding the transition from traditional closed communication to modern open communication. Finally, the paper puts forward the goal of today's values education in order to awaken the belief consciousness of college youth, arouse the sense of responsibility, coruscate the independent spirit, carry out the education of values around the three principles of subjectivity, living life and leading. Under the outline of the goals and principles of value education, this paper puts forward the remolding path for the contents of belief education, responsibility education and independent consciousness education.


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