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发布时间:2018-04-30 21:08

  本文选题:大学本科 + 课程国际化 ; 参考:《武汉理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高等教育国际化是经济全球化、一体化的必然结果,课程国际化是其中一个关键的组成部分,任何教育改革和发展都离不开课程变革这一中心。我国要建设成为高等教育强国,作为大学中数量最多的本科层次,对其实施课程国际化是必要的措施。本文运用文献研究法、比较研究法、历史研究法对主题进行探索与研究。 大学本科课程国际化是高等教育国际化一个重要元素,对于课程内容的选择与组织都需要最大程度地同国际接轨。知识的普遍性理论为课程国际化的输入与输出提供了依据。后现代课程观要求课程内容的选择范围不再局限于本国之内,课程的开发与设置必须要在一种开放的观念下进行。本科课程国际化具有开放性、选择性、通用性与共享性的特征。本科课程国际化的主要内容包括:课程观念的国际化、课程目标的国际化、课程内容的国际化、课程实施过程的国际化、课程评价的国际化。 我国大学本科在实施课程国际化时,非常重视外语课程教学、并且积极与国外大学积极创办联合课程、引进先进的国际化课程、重视学生的海外学习课程。但是,课程国际化仍然存在一些问题,外语课程设置单一、课程国际化的输入和输出不平衡,通识教育课程的内容不够国际化。究其原因主要是由于课程国际化缺乏有效的制度和经济保障,封闭的办学模式的阻碍,课程观念上存在一定的误区,对国际化人才培养目标内涵的认识不到位。 要提高我国大学本科课程的国际化水平,需要有效地借鉴美国和澳大利亚大学课程国际化的经验,结合我国大学本科自身的特点,制定一系列科学合理的对策。全面认识国际化人才培养目标的内涵,在国际化的思想与理论指导下设置课程,为课程国际化建立规范的管理方式,选择具有国际化特点的通识教育课程内容与教材,设置多样化外语课程并积极推进双语教学,运用现代教学载体实施课程国际化,建立国际化课程“输入”与“输出”的平衡,提升师资队伍国际化课程教学能力,运用有限资金高效地提高课程国际化水平。
[Abstract]:The internationalization of higher education is the inevitable result of economic globalization and integration. Curriculum internationalization is a key component of it. Any educational reform and development can not be separated from the center of curriculum reform. If China wants to become a powerful country in higher education, as the most abundant undergraduate level in universities, it is necessary to carry out curriculum internationalization. This paper uses literature research, comparative research, history research to explore and research the theme. The internationalization of undergraduate courses is an important element in the internationalization of higher education. The universality theory of knowledge provides the basis for the input and output of curriculum internationalization. The postmodern curriculum view requires that the choice of curriculum content is no longer confined to our own country, and the development and setting of curriculum must be carried out under an open concept. The internationalization of undergraduate courses is characterized by openness, selectivity, universality and sharing. The main contents of undergraduate course internationalization include: the internationalization of curriculum concept, the internationalization of curriculum objectives, the internationalization of curriculum content, the internationalization of curriculum implementation process, and the internationalization of curriculum evaluation. During the course internationalization, Chinese universities attach great importance to foreign language teaching, and actively establish joint courses with foreign universities, introduce advanced international courses, and attach importance to students' overseas study courses. However, there are still some problems in curriculum internationalization, such as single foreign language curriculum, unbalanced input and output of curriculum internationalization, and insufficient internationalization of general education curriculum. The main reasons are the lack of effective system and economic guarantee, the blocking of the closed mode of running a school, the existence of some misunderstandings in the concept of curriculum, and the lack of understanding of the connotation of the goal of training internationalized talents. In order to improve the internationalization level of undergraduate courses in China, it is necessary to draw lessons from the experiences of the United States and Australia, and formulate a series of scientific and reasonable countermeasures according to the characteristics of undergraduate courses in our country. Fully understand the connotation of internationalized talent training goal, set up curriculum under the guidance of internationalization thought and theory, establish standard management mode for curriculum internationalization, select general education curriculum content and teaching material with internationalized characteristics. Setting up a variety of foreign language courses and actively promoting bilingual teaching, applying modern teaching carriers to implement curriculum internationalization, establishing the balance between "input" and "output" of internationalized courses, and improving the teaching ability of internationalized courses for teachers. Use limited funds to improve the internationalization level of courses efficiently.


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