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发布时间:2018-04-30 23:26

  本文选题:美国 + 大学 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近些年来,大学生违规考试,科研论文抄袭歪风盛行于我国各大高校。不但屡禁不止,且有愈演愈烈之势。对于大学生的学术不诚信问题,世界各国尤其欧美发达国家都采取乐多种措施进行预防和治理,虽然措施不同,但效果都非常明显。与之相对比,我国从政府到高校及相关学术机构也逐渐认识到了这个问题的严重性,并采取了一系列措施,但并没有产生实质性效果。美国现有包括公立和私立大学在内的4000多所大学,在世界排名前500名大学中,美国占168所,前20名中,美国占17所。之所以有如此高的知名度,,跟其在人才培养和科研创造过程中对学术诚信的重视分不开。美国在对大学生学术诚信教育问题上有方法多样化,制度体系化的特点,并且有关学术不诚信问题的理论研究比较早,成果显著。欧美很多国家早就开始开展对美国大学学术诚信建设的研究。 本文在理解学术诚信概念的基础上,试图从美国大学生的学术诚信的现状,以及产生学术不诚信行为的成因及采取的有效措施入手,选取多个大学案例,来研究美国大学生学术诚信教育的特点。此项研究对我国大学生的学术诚信教育研究具有一定的参考价值。 本文除了绪论和结语部分外主要分为四个部分 绪论部分介绍了选题缘由和研究意义,梳理了国内外有关美国大学生学术诚信教育的相关文献,同时说明了本文的研究方法和研究思路。 第一部分主要介绍了学术诚信的内涵及大学生学术诚信的意义。 第二部分主要梳理了学术不诚信的定义和美国大学生学术不诚信的现状,从学校方面、个体、环境及其他方面对其原因进行了剖析。 第三部分系统介绍了美国大学生学术诚信教育。选取多个有代表性的公立大学和私立大学的案例进行详细阐述,总结了美国大学学术诚信教育的特点。 第四部分介绍了我国大学生学术诚信教育的现状。在总结美国大学生学术诚信教育特点及取得的成就的基础上,对我国大学生学术诚信教育提出了几点启示与借鉴。
[Abstract]:In recent years, college students' illegal examination, scientific research papers plagiarism prevailing in China's universities and colleges. Not only repeated prohibition, and there is a growing trend. For the problem of academic dishonesty of college students, countries all over the world, especially developed countries in Europe and the United States, have taken various measures to prevent and control them. Although the measures are different, the results are very obvious. By contrast, China has gradually realized the seriousness of the problem from the government to colleges and universities and related academic institutions, and has taken a series of measures, but has not produced substantial results. The United States now has more than 4000 universities, including public and private universities. Among the top 500 universities in the world, the United States accounts for 168, and the United States 17 out of the top 20. The reason for such high popularity is due to its emphasis on academic integrity in the process of talent training and scientific research creation. The United States has the characteristics of diversification of methods and systematization of the academic honesty education of college students, and the theoretical research on academic dishonesty is early, and the results are remarkable. Many countries in Europe and the United States have long begun to carry out research on the academic integrity of American universities. On the basis of understanding the concept of academic honesty, this paper attempts to select a number of university cases from the current situation of academic integrity of American college students, the causes of academic dishonesty and the effective measures taken. To study the characteristics of American college students' academic integrity education. This research has certain reference value to our country university student's academic integrity education research. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this article is divided into four parts The introduction part introduces the reason and significance of the topic, combs the relevant literature about American college students' academic honesty education, and explains the research methods and ideas of this paper. The first part mainly introduces the connotation of academic integrity and the significance of academic integrity of college students. The second part mainly combs the definition of academic dishonesty and the present situation of American college students' academic dishonesty, and analyzes its causes from the aspects of school, individual, environment and other aspects. The third part systematically introduces the academic integrity education of American college students. Several representative cases of public and private universities are selected to illustrate the characteristics of academic integrity education in American universities. The fourth part introduces the present situation of academic honesty education of college students in China. On the basis of summing up the characteristics and achievements of American college students' academic honesty education, this paper puts forward some enlightenment and reference for our country's college students' academic honesty education.


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