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发布时间:2018-05-01 00:13

  本文选题:实验教学 + 生命科学导论 ; 参考:《实验室研究与探索》2013年11期

[Abstract]:How to improve the students' interest and enthusiasm in the course is a subject which the teacher is assiduously pursuing under the condition that the content has been fixed. Through the comprehensive application of various teaching methods in the experimental course of introduction to life science, the students' interest in the course has been fully aroused, the enthusiasm of the students in the experiment has been improved, and the interest in scientific research of the students has achieved good results. The methods include: digging out the life significance of the experiment in order to improve the students' enthusiasm for the experiment; introducing the "problem" teaching method to improve the students' ability to analyze and solve problems; and allowing the students to operate their own instruments as far as possible. In order to cultivate students' practical ability, to guide students to observe the phenomenon in detail, to stimulate students' interest in experiments, to mobilize the whole class to carry out a scientific research to cultivate the students' interest in scientific research; Expand the impact of the course by demonstrating the results of the experiment.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学生命科学学院;


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