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发布时间:2018-05-01 05:10

  本文选题:高等师范院校 + 英语教育专业 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:当前,我国的教育事业已经进入到要求全方面提高教育质量的新时期。素质教育的实施对教师教育的改革也提出了要求。显然,高等师范院校的职前教师教育对基础教育和高等教育做出了很大的贡献。然而,随着社会,文化,经济以及科技的发展,我国已经面临着国际合作和竞争,英语教师教育的发展模式已经落后。 高等师范院校的英语教育专业对于培养和造就合格的中学英语老师具有重要的作用。课程结构是实现培养目标的媒体,是保证和提高教育质量的关键。一方面,由于社会和学科的发展以及中小学的英语课改,未来的英语老师需要具备新的素质。我们需要对高等师范院校的英语专业课程进行改革。另一方面,很多英语师范生发现他们在高等师范院校所学习的知识跟中小学的教学关系并不是很密切。英语师范生的教学方法和教学技能甚至与中小学的现状脱节。出现这些状况的其中一个原因就是高等师范院校的课程系统不平衡,课程内容陈旧。因此,高等师范院校的英语教育专业的课程设置急需改革。 本文主要采用了文献法,文本分析法以及对比研究的方法,首先对国内六所师范院校的课程设置进行分析并讨论这六所师范院校课程设置的优缺点。其中,这六所院校英语教育专业课程设置的问题有:没有统一的专属英语师范专业的教学大纲,课程结构和内容不能满足培养目标中对师范生所提出的要求,课程结构不合理,限制了师范生的自我发展,教育实践不能对师范生的教学方法和教学技能进行充分的训练等等。然后,本文将分析发达国家教师教育课程设置方面的优势,这些优势包括:通识教育课程内容广博,专业课程有针对性以及教师教育课程更具师范性。最后,根据我国英语教师教育课程存在的问题以及借鉴国外发达国家教师教育课程的经验,本文提出了提高和完善我国高等师范院校英语教育专业课程设置的建议,,以期对深化我国高等师范院校英语专业课程设置改革有所裨益。
[Abstract]:At present, the education in our country has entered a new period that requires all aspects to improve the quality of education. The implementation of quality education also requires the reform of teacher education. It is obvious that pre-service teacher education in normal colleges has made great contribution to basic education and higher education. However, with the development of society, culture, economy and science and technology, our country has been faced with international cooperation and competition, and the development mode of English teacher education has fallen behind. The major of English education in normal colleges plays an important role in training and bringing up qualified English teachers in middle schools. Curriculum structure is the media to achieve the training goal and the key to guarantee and improve the quality of education. On the one hand, due to the development of society and discipline and the English curriculum reform in primary and secondary schools, English teachers in the future need to have new qualities. We need to reform the English major curriculum in normal universities. On the other hand, many English normal students find that the knowledge they learn in normal colleges is not closely related to the teaching of primary and secondary schools. English teachers' teaching methods and skills are even out of touch with the present situation in primary and secondary schools. One of the reasons for these problems is that the curriculum system of normal colleges is unbalanced and the curriculum content is out of date. Therefore, the curriculum of English education in teachers colleges is in urgent need of reform. This paper mainly adopts the methods of literature, text analysis and comparative research. Firstly, the author analyzes the curriculum of six normal colleges in China and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the curriculum in the six normal colleges. Among them, there are some problems in the curriculum of English education major in these six colleges: there is no uniform syllabus for English teachers' specialty, the curriculum structure and content can not meet the requirements of normal students in the training goal, and the curriculum structure is unreasonable. It limits the self-development of normal school students, and the teaching practice can not fully train the teaching methods and teaching skills of normal school students and so on. Then, this paper will analyze the advantages of teacher education curriculum in developed countries. These advantages include: extensive contents of general education curriculum, targeted professional curriculum and teacher education curriculum more normal. Finally, according to the existing problems of English teacher education curriculum in our country and the experience of foreign developed countries, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to improve and perfect the curriculum of English education major in teachers' colleges and universities in our country. In order to deepen the reform of English major curriculum in normal colleges and universities in China.


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