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发布时间:2018-05-02 04:58

  本文选题:第三部门 + 上海高校学生社团 ; 参考:《华东理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在传统定位中,高校学生社团被认为是学生为了共同兴趣和爱好而聚合在一起的互益性、非正式组织。但随着高等院校作为“准公共产品”和社会公共服务领域的“第三部门”的特征日益凸显,其自身的根本职能也发生着潜在变化,高等教育自觉不自觉地将人才培养的中心转移到“完整人的教育”。较西方的数量繁多,历史悠久,机构健全,管理规范,经费充足,学生踊跃等,上海高校学生社团存在不少问题。在“完整人的教育”过程中,上海高校学生社团如何进行自身转变,适应社会发展需要,从而在高校内部和外部发挥其不可替代的作用。 本选题是以第三部门管理理论、政府与第三部门关系理论、公民社会理论、高校学生社团管理理论等理论为依据,以实证分析的方式,综合运用文献研究、比较研究与实证研究等方法,首先对第三部门与高校学生社团的概念进行了界定,并阐述了高校学生社团的基本形态以及其如何发挥第三部门的潜在功能。其次,以上海高校学生社团的建设与发展现状为背景,以“第三部门”的视角探究上海高校学生社团的运作机制来揭示高校学生社团对于学校,对于社会的独特作用;分析上海高校学生社团在目前的发展过程中所遇到的困难,进一步揭示高校学生社团如何适应第三部门理论与实践发展的建设方略。通过对问题的剖析及其对策的思考,本研究还可以帮助高校管理者更好地认识社团,以推动高校社团管理的顺利改革,使学生社团能够在高校发展中发挥更积极的作用。
[Abstract]:In the traditional orientation, college student associations are regarded as mutual benefit and informal organizations for the common interests and interests of students. However, with the characteristics of tertiary institutions as "quasi-public goods" and "the third sector" in the field of social public services, their fundamental functions have also undergone potential changes. Higher education unconsciously transfers the center of talent training to "the education of complete people". Compared with the western countries, there are many problems in the university student associations in Shanghai, such as the great quantity, the long history, the perfect organization, the standard management, the sufficient funds, the enthusiastic students and so on. In the process of "the education of the whole person", how to carry on the self-transformation of the college student association in Shanghai to adapt to the needs of the social development, so as to play its irreplaceable role inside and outside the university. This topic is based on the third sector management theory, the relationship between the government and the third sector theory, civil society theory, university student association management theory and so on. First of all, it defines the concept of the third sector and the college student association, and expounds the basic form of the university student association and how it can play the potential function of the third department. Secondly, based on the current situation of the construction and development of college student associations in Shanghai, and from the perspective of "the third sector", this paper explores the operation mechanism of the college student associations in Shanghai to reveal the unique role of college student associations for the school and the society. This paper analyzes the difficulties encountered in the development of college student associations in Shanghai, and further reveals the construction strategy of how to adapt to the development of theory and practice in the third sector. Through the analysis of the problems and the thinking of the countermeasures, this study can also help university administrators to better understand the community, in order to promote the smooth reform of university community management, so that student associations can play a more active role in the development of colleges and universities.


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