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发布时间:2018-05-02 22:09

  本文选题:高等学校 + 学生思政教育 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学生思想政治教育是一项系统工程,这是我们提倡的素质教育的重点,也是难点。大学生肩负着祖国的未来,其思想政治水平高低,直接关系着国家民族的命运。现当代,随着我国改革开放的深入推进和世界多极化、经济全球化的曲折、深入发展,尤其是网络应用技术的飞速发展,受到多元文化以及社会时局变化的影响,大学生思想日益多元而复杂,高校面临意识形态领域的斗争十分严峻。如何通过对高校学生思想政治教育的“理论”与“实际”“内容”与“形式”“课内”与“课外”、“目标”与“现实”等问题的研究,进一步提高大学生思想政治教育的针对性和实效性,已成为我国各大高校关注的一个重要问题。 改革开放以来,党和政府越来越重视当代大学生思想政治教育工作,采取了多种模式对大学生思想政治教育工作进行顺应时代的改革,我们也欣喜地看到思想政治教育工作取得了很大的成效,但是依旧需要更多的进步。本论文以高校思想政治教育的基础理论为指导,,分析了当前高校学生思想政治教育的基本现状以及思想政治教育面临的挑战,在此基础上,总结概括发挥思想政治教育与通识教育、专业教育、学生教育管理、队伍建设、学生党团建设、第二课堂等七大关系,并重点阐述了协调好七大关系的方法路径,以实现思想政治教育的合力集成,增强思想政治教育的针对性和实效性,为高校进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育提供参考。
[Abstract]:The ideological and political education of college students is a systematic project, which is the emphasis and difficulty of quality education advocated by us. College students shoulder the future of the motherland, their ideological and political level, directly related to the fate of the nation. Nowadays, with the deepening of China's reform and opening up and the multi-polarization of the world, the twists and turns of economic globalization, the deep development, especially the rapid development of network application technology, is affected by the multicultural and social changes. College students' thoughts are becoming more and more diverse and complex, and colleges and universities are facing a severe struggle in the field of ideology. How to study the problems of "theory" and "reality", "content" and "form" and "extracurricular", "goal" and "reality" of ideological and political education of college students? To further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of ideological and political education for college students has become an important issue of concern in colleges and universities in China. Since the reform and opening up, the Party and the government have paid more and more attention to the ideological and political education of contemporary college students, and adopted a variety of models to reform the ideological and political education of college students in accordance with the times. We are also pleased to see that ideological and political education has achieved great results, but still needs more progress. Under the guidance of the basic theory of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, this paper analyzes the basic status quo of ideological and political education of college students and the challenges faced by ideological and political education. Summing up and giving full play to the seven relations between ideological and political education and general education, professional education, student education management, team building, student party group construction, second class, etc., and emphatically expounds the ways to coordinate the seven relations. In order to realize the integration of ideological and political education and strengthen the pertinence and effectiveness of ideological and political education, this paper provides a reference for further strengthening and improving the ideological and political education of college students.


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