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发布时间:2018-05-03 03:02

  本文选题:生态文明 + 生态道德 ; 参考:《燕山大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国经济社会的不断发展,生态环境问题日益凸显出来,并且已经成为制约我国进一步发展的严重阻碍。而人们生态道德意识的薄弱又进一步加重了生态危机。因此,要解决环境问题,必须从源头上转变人们的错误观念,摆正人类在自然界中的位置。十八大报告强调把生态文明建设摆在突出地位,这对国民生态意识和生态道德观念提出了更高要求。高校作为教育的主要阵地,,培养具有生态道德和生态文明素质的人才,不仅有利于大学生的全面发展,同时对我国生态文明建设也具有重要的意义。 本文以我国的生态文明建设为背景,以探索高校生态道德教育的对策为主要研究目的,分为四个部分对高校生态道德教育进行研究。第一部分对高校生态道德教育的课题来源、研究意义以及国内外研究现状进行了简单阐述;第二部分阐明了高校生态道德教育相关概念的内涵,概括了高校生态道德教育的特征,分析了高校生态道德教育的理论基础并理清了生态文明与生态道德教育的关系;第三部分通过对河北省四所高校的大学生进行问卷调查,根据调查数据分析高校生态道德教育的现状及其存在的问题,并从历史根源、现实原因和环境影响三个方面剖析高校生态道德教育存在问题的原因;第四部分是本文的重点,从确立高校生态道德教育的原则、构建高校生态道德教育的内容体系、创新高校生态道德教育的途径和健全高校生态道德教育的保障机制四个方面提出了加强高校生态道德教育的对策。
[Abstract]:With the development of our country's economy and society, the ecological environment problem has become increasingly prominent, and has become a serious obstacle to the further development of our country. And the weakness of people's ecological moral consciousness further aggravated the ecological crisis. Therefore, in order to solve environmental problems, we must change people's misconceptions from the source and correct the position of human beings in nature. The report of the 18th National Congress puts the ecological civilization construction in a prominent position, which puts forward higher requirements for the national ecological consciousness and ecological moral concept. As the main position of education, colleges and universities cultivate talents with ecological morality and ecological civilization quality, which is not only conducive to the all-round development of college students, but also of great significance to the construction of ecological civilization in China. With the background of the construction of ecological civilization in China and the main research purpose of exploring the countermeasures of ecological moral education in colleges and universities, this paper is divided into four parts to study the ecological moral education in colleges and universities. In the first part, the origin of ecological moral education in colleges and universities, the significance of the research and the current situation of the research at home and abroad are briefly expounded. The second part expounds the connotation of the related concepts of ecological moral education in colleges and universities. This paper summarizes the characteristics of ecological moral education in colleges and universities, analyzes the theoretical basis of ecological moral education in colleges and universities and clarifies the relationship between ecological civilization and ecological moral education. Based on the investigation data, this paper analyzes the current situation and existing problems of ecological moral education in colleges and universities, and analyzes the causes of the problems in ecological moral education in colleges and universities from three aspects: historical root, realistic reasons and environmental impact. The fourth part is the focus of this paper. From establishing the principles of ecological moral education in colleges and universities and constructing the content system of ecological moral education in colleges and universities, The countermeasures of strengthening ecological moral education in colleges and universities are put forward in four aspects: innovating the ways of ecological moral education in colleges and universities and perfecting the guarantee mechanism of ecological moral education in colleges and universities.


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