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发布时间:2018-05-03 14:04

  本文选题:英语教师 + 教师专业学习共同体 ; 参考:《河北大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:百年大计,教育为本。教育在振兴中华民族、促进社会进步以及提高民族素质等方面发挥着重要的作用。而英语教师作为教育工作的具体承担者和执行人,英语教师的专业素质的高低直接影响我国英语教育的发展和人才的培养。“振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在教师”。也正因此,提高教师的专业素质,发展教师的专业能力,已受到教育界和社会各界的广泛关注。在此背景下,本文研究一种基于学习和合作的英语教师专业发展途径----教师专业学习共同体。 英语教师教育不仅关心教师的专业知识结构和专业能力,更应该探究教师获取知识和能力的途径。因此,本研究的目的就为英语教师通过专业学习共同体获得专业发展提供一些借鉴,通过对河北大学外语教研部的英语教师专业学习共同体进行调研,研究教师专业学习共同体在多大程度上促进了英语教师的专业发展,,发现英语教师专业学习共同体在实践中面临的困难和问题,并提出相应的建议和发展策略。教师专业学习共同体可以改变教师工作方式和学习方式,这对于加强英语教师教育理论和完善共同体理论以及促进教师专业发展,具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。 本研究采取问卷调查、访谈的方式,调查和分析了英语教师专业学习共同体的构建现状。具体来说,本研究主要探讨以下几个问题:1、教师专业学习共同体开展的现状如何?2、教师对专业学习共同体的认知态度如何?3、教师专业学习共同体面临的困难有哪些?4、教师专业学习共同体哪些方面促进了教师专业发展? 调查结果显示:河北大学外语教学部的英语教师专业学习共同体运行总体状况是良好的,以学习和研究为核心,以专业发展为目标,对教师专业发展产生了积极的影响。但同时也面临着许多亟待解决的问题:教师的合作发展意识有待强化;学校制度有待完善;外部环境和文化氛围有待优化。因此,本研究分别从认知、制度、环境和文化四个层面,由内部原因到外部原因,探讨了有效构建教师专业学习共同体的策略探析:在从认知层面,采取有效措施增强教师的合作意识,树立自主专业发展观念;在制度层面,既有资源性制度保障,也有政策性制度保障;在环境层面,建设以浓厚的学术氛围为主的人文环境;在文化层面,培养互相学习的教师合作文化。 本研究共分为五章。第一章是绪论,拟对该领域的当前态势及缘起背景进行介绍,进一步阐明本研究的研究问题,研究目的和意义,以及论文总体结构。第二章是文献综述,包括教师专业学习共同体的相关概念、教师专业学习共同体的理论基础,以及国内外关于教师专业学习共同体的相关理论和实践研究。第三章是研究设计,包括研究背景、研究对象、研究工具。第四章是研究结果与分析,通过对河北大学外语教研部英语教师专业学习共同体构建现状调查,探寻原因,并提出了针对性构建策略。第五章是结论部分,包括结语、对专业学习共同体研究的启示以及论文所存在不足之处。
[Abstract]:Education plays an important role in promoting the Chinese nation, promoting social progress and improving the quality of the nation. As the specific undertaker and executive of the education work, the professional quality of English teachers directly affects the development of English education and the cultivation of talents. The hope of the nation is in education and the hope of rejuvenating the education is in the teacher. Therefore, it is therefore, to improve the professional quality of the teachers, to develop the professional ability of the teachers, and has received extensive attention from the educational and social circles. In this context, this paper studies a way of professional development of teachers of English teachers based on learning and cooperation - the professional learning community of teachers.
English teacher education not only cares about the teacher's professional knowledge structure and professional ability, but also explores the way for teachers to acquire knowledge and ability. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide some reference for English teachers to obtain professional development through professional learning community. Through the study of English teachers' professional learning in the Department of foreign language teaching and research at Hebei University. The study of the androgyny has studied the extent to which the teacher professional learning community has promoted the professional development of English teachers, and found the difficulties and problems faced by the English teacher professional learning community in practice, and put forward the corresponding suggestions and development strategies. The teacher professional learning common can change the way of the teacher's work and the way of learning. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to strengthen the theory of English teacher education and improve the community theory and promote the professional development of teachers.
This research adopts the questionnaire survey and the interview way, investigates and analyzes the present situation of the construction of the English teacher professional learning community. Specifically, this study mainly discusses the following questions: 1, what is the status of the development of the professional learning community of teachers? 2, what is the cognitive attitude of Teachers to professional learning androgyny? 3, teacher professional learning is common. What are the difficulties faced by the body? 4, what aspects of the teacher professional learning community promote the professional development of teachers?
The results show that the overall situation of the English teachers' professional learning community in the Department of foreign language teaching of Hebei University is good, with the core of learning and research as the core and the professional development as the target, which has a positive impact on the professional development of teachers. But at the same time, there are many problems to be solved urgently: the consciousness of teachers' cooperation and development needs to be solved. Strengthening, the school system needs to be improved; the external environment and cultural atmosphere need to be optimized. Therefore, from the four levels of cognition, system, environment and culture, this study explores the strategies for the effective construction of teachers' professional learning community, from internal to external reasons: to enhance teachers' cooperation from the cognitive level and taking effective measures. Consciousness, set up the concept of independent professional development; in the system level, there are both resources system protection and policy system protection; in the environmental level, the construction of a strong academic atmosphere is the humanistic environment, and cultural level, to cultivate mutual learning teacher cooperation culture.
This study is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which introduces the current situation and origin background of the field, further clarifies the research problems, the purpose and significance of the study, and the overall structure of the paper. The second chapter is the literature review, including the related concepts of Teacher Professional learning common, the theory of teacher professional learning community. The third chapter is the research design, including the research background, the research object and the research tool. The fourth chapter is the research results and analysis. Through the investigation of the construction of the English teachers' professional learning community in the Department of foreign language teaching and research of Hebei University, the paper explores the reasons and puts forward the reasons. The fifth chapter is the conclusion, including the conclusion, the inspiration for the study of the professional learning community and the shortcomings of the paper.



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