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发布时间:2018-05-03 13:49

  本文选题:大学 + 道德责任 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学作为特殊的社会组织,自其诞生之日起便被视为“社会的良心”、象牙塔,承担着道德责任。道德责任是一个变化发展的概念,在大学的发展历史中不断扩展,而今大学在融入社会中心时,在全球道德危机的背景之下,大学的“社会良心”形象严重受损,精神追求缺失。大学早已不是过去所谓的“心灵净土”和“精神家园”,不再是社会道德和学术的灯塔,与社会的期待形成鲜明反差,严重削弱了大学的精神感染和社会支持信任。道德方面的失落,使自身深陷困境。那么此时对大学道德责任的寻根溯源,通过深入解析和探寻大学道德责任的演变,以求能够寻求大学道德责任发展的规律,并为当今道德精神的重建提供依据。 大学道德责任的历史演变分为三个阶段,即中世纪的大学道德责任演变,17世纪至19世纪,19世纪末至现在。在每个阶段中分别指出该阶段大学道德责任演变的事实及分析道德责任发展的特征及问题。最后提出应对大学道德责任发展中出现问题的对策及对当今道德启示意义。在中世纪大学具有强烈的批判精神,并且以培养人的终极目标为目的,是社会的良心。随着产业革命的进行,教育的地位逐渐提高,大学发展出科学研究职能,大学不仅仅要对自身的道德负责,还要对科学研究中的学术活动负道德责任,同样不能忽视大学道德教育。随着社会持续发展,国家之间经济、政治竞争的压力,和大学自身经费的困难,,使得大学和国家之间相互依赖,大学也逐渐失去学术自由,在社会中的批判力量下降,大学教授关注自身的利益多过学校利益。这是大学功利主义思想盛行的结果,这使大学管理混乱,社会风气日下,大学道德责任亟待重建。 大学在发展过程中不能只顾眼前利益,忽视其存在的真正价值,对真理的追求,以学术为中心的氛围。大学在道德教育时不能采取灌输式的教学,应该赋予道德以实际的意义。大学的制度亟待改善,制度化的科系,制度化的管理在一定程度上影响学术自由。在追求学术自由时,要时刻谨记尊重知识的理性,自己在社会中的道德责任。大学教授在学术研究中,不能仅关注学术成果,还要关心道德要求,处理好学术自由与社会责任的关系。
[Abstract]:As a special social organization, university has been regarded as "social conscience" since its birth. Moral responsibility is a concept of change and development, which has been expanding in the history of university development. Now, when the university is integrated into the center of society and in the context of the global moral crisis, the image of "social conscience" of the university is seriously damaged. Lack of spiritual pursuit. The university is no longer the so-called "spiritual land" and "spiritual home" in the past, and is no longer a beacon of social morality and learning, which is in sharp contrast to the expectation of the society, which seriously weakens the university's spiritual infection and social support trust. Moral loss, make oneself in deep trouble. Then the source of the university moral responsibility at this time, through in-depth analysis and exploration of the evolution of university moral responsibility, in order to be able to seek the law of the development of university moral responsibility, and provide a basis for the reconstruction of the moral spirit today. The historical evolution of university moral responsibility is divided into three stages: the evolution of university moral responsibility in the Middle Ages from the 17th century to the 19th century and from the end of the 19th century to the present. In each stage, the author points out the facts of the evolution of university moral responsibility and analyzes the characteristics and problems of the development of moral responsibility. Finally, the author puts forward the countermeasures to deal with the problems in the development of university moral responsibility and its significance for moral enlightenment. In the Middle Ages, universities had a strong critical spirit, and the ultimate goal of cultivating human beings was the conscience of society. With the development of the industrial revolution, the status of education has gradually increased, and universities have developed the function of scientific research. Universities should not only be responsible for their own morality, but also take moral responsibility for the academic activities in scientific research. Similarly, moral education in universities should not be ignored. With the sustained development of society, the pressure of economic and political competition among countries, and the difficulties of the universities' own funds, the universities and the countries depend on each other, and the universities gradually lose their academic freedom, and the critical forces in the society decrease. College professors focus more on their own interests than on their own. This is the result of the prevalence of utilitarianism in universities, which makes the management of universities chaotic, the social atmosphere declining, and the moral responsibility of universities urgently need to be rebuilt. In the process of development, universities should not only pay attention to immediate interests, ignore the true value of their existence, pursue truth, and focus on the atmosphere of learning. In moral education, universities should not adopt the teaching of infusion, and should give practical significance to morality. The institution of university needs to be improved. The institutionalized management of department and department affects academic freedom to a certain extent. In the pursuit of academic freedom, always remember to respect the rationality of knowledge, their own moral responsibility in society. In academic research, university professors should not only focus on academic achievements, but also on moral requirements and deal with the relationship between academic freedom and social responsibility.


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