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发布时间:2018-05-04 09:30

  本文选题:西藏高校 + 学生活动管理 ; 参考:《西藏大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the continuous progress of social development, the educational reform of colleges and universities is also advancing. As Tibetan society cultivates constructor, Tibet university shoulders the task also more and more arduous. As an important part of college education management, student management is becoming more and more important. Under the objective environment of expanding enrollment in colleges and universities and the rapid development of economy and society, and in the realistic environment of heavy pressure to maintain stability and work in Tibet, the existing student work management model can no longer meet the needs of college students, and must be combined with the characteristics. To explore a suitable management model of student work in Tibetan colleges and universities. This paper redefines several core concepts involved in student management and project management, compares and analyzes the two concepts, and finds out the commonality between them. The feasibility of applying the subject of project management in the field of public administration to student management is demonstrated theoretically. In this paper, the student activity module, which can best reflect the sense of the times, is selected as the main content of the study, and the other aspects of student management are involved in the process. This paper expounds in detail the problems existing in the traditional student activity management. On the basis of following the principles of the project management of college students' activities, the corresponding theoretical knowledge system and common methods and tools of the project management are used. The whole process of scientific and standardized operation project effectively improves the management level and level of college students' activities, and brings into play the role of college students' activities in educating people and cultivating people.


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