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发布时间:2018-05-04 18:21

  本文选题:普通高校 + 教师教学工作量 ; 参考:《南方医科大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:1.研究背景和意义 教学工作量测评是指通过定性和定量指标反映教师教学工作的现实以及隐性的教学付出量的活动之一。科学、合理、公平的教学工作量测评体系是对教师绩效考核的前提和基础,它能有效地保障教育质量,促进教师执教能力的发展;也是教育行政机构了解教师工作状况,监控教师执教过程的重要手段。良好的教师教学工作测评能够充分调动广大高校教师的教学积极性,最大限度地发挥他们的主观能动性;也能及时地发现教师教学工作中的问题,提高教师的教学工作效率,促进教师的专业成长,进而提高学校整体的教育质量。 但是,当前普通高校教师教学工作量测评存在着诸多的问题,比如说,评价的内容不够全面、评价的方法不够合理,未能真实体现教师的教学付出和教学业绩,教师的教学劳动价值未能得到应有的认同等等,使得教师投入教学的积极性得不到有效发挥。本课题以普通高校教师本科教学工作量测评为切入点,尝试讨论和分析这一问题,以期能提出改进建议。 2.研究内容 探讨当前普通高校教师本科生教学工作量测评的现状,分析存在的主要问题,讨论普通高校教师本科生教学工作量测评需要关注的主要内容,提出改进的对策和建议。检索和确定了59篇文献,探讨了普通高校教学工作量测评的国内外研究概况,比较了国内外5所院校的普通高校教学工作量测评的基本情况,在1个单位对236个对象进行了问卷调查。 3.研究目的 通过文献研究、政策分析、比较研究、总结归纳,解读普通高校教学工作量测评的理论、政策、经验,探讨我国普通高校教师教学工作量测评的现状,为推进这一工作提供借鉴。 对比一些高校现行的教学工作量制度进行分析研究,揭示普通高校教师本科生教学工作量测评中存在的主要问题,并结合当前工作实际提出解决的对策和建议。 4.研究方法 本研究运用了文献研究、政策分析、案例比较、问卷调查等方法。课题设计的整体思路分为三个步骤:首先是定性研究,其次是实证分析,最后是归纳演绎。在大量学术论文、政策法规等文献资料的基础上,通过文献研究、国内外比较、案例剖析、总结提炼进行多方位多角度的定性研究;通过问卷调查与统计分析来进一步实证分析,获得不同调查对象群体对问卷内容的认同度,了解不同群体的认知差异;在定性研究、实证分析的基础上,进行归纳推理、演绎拓展。 5.研究结果 5.1揭示了普通高校教师本科教学工作量测评存在的主要问题 (1)评价内容不全面;(2)测评程序过于复杂;(3)测评内容项目过细过多;(4)测评标准不够科学;(5)缺乏体现教学质量的标准;(6)课程差异难以体现;(7)间接投入、隐性工作量不易评价;(8)缺少教师基本工作量的规定;(9)与科研工作量测评差距大;(10)与其他类型层次(成教、研究生)教育评价差距大。 5.2讨论了普通高校教师本科教学工作量测评需关注的主要内容 (1)课程教学(课堂教学、备课、课后辅导(包括阅改实验报告、作业)、课程考试);(2)实践教学(实验教学、实习指导、社会实践、毕业设计);(3)本科生课外指导(本科生导师、科技创新活动指导、毕业论文及毕业设计、各类竞赛指导);(4)教育教学改革(教育教改课题、教学论文、教学改革和研究学术会议报告、本科教学质量工程);(5)基本教学建设(教育技术现代化、教材编写、教学大纲编写、教学计划制定、教学网站、课件等信息化建设、辅助教学(教学秘书、教学管理人员辅助工作)、教学组织管理;(6)其它教学活动(教学竞赛、教学示范课、公开课、选修课、课外讲座、教学督导、教育教学政策咨询、招生就业辅助工作)。 5.3提出了普通高校教师本科教学工作量测评的改进对策和建议 (1)选择合适评价管理模式;(2)科学制定教学工作量评测的基本原则; (3)合理确定评测对象和内容;(4)建立动态调控机制;(5)加强政策统筹。 6.研究的特色与创新 研究系统总结和分析了当前普通高校教师教学工作量测评的现状,简要比较分析了国内外的基本情况,对国内若干所院校的实际方案进行了比较,揭示了主要的问题,讨论了普通高校教师本科教学工作量测评的主要内容,提出了改进的对策和建议。
[Abstract]:1. research background and significance
The evaluation of teaching workload is one of the activities that reflect the reality of teachers' teaching work by qualitative and quantitative indicators and the recessive teaching effort. The scientific, reasonable and fair teaching workload evaluation system is the prerequisite and foundation for the performance assessment of teachers. It can effectively guarantee the quality of education and promote the development of teachers' teaching ability. It is an important means for the educational administration to understand the situation of teachers' work and monitor the teaching process of teachers. Good teachers' teaching evaluation can fully arouse the enthusiasm of the teachers in Colleges and universities and maximize their subjective initiative, and can also find out the problems in Teachers' teaching work in time and improve the teachers' teaching workers. To improve teachers' professional development and improve their overall quality of education.
However, there are many problems in the evaluation of teachers' teaching work, for example, the content of the evaluation is not comprehensive enough, the method of evaluation is not reasonable enough, the teacher's teaching and teaching performance can not be truly reflected, the teacher's teaching value has not been recognized and so on, which makes the teachers' enthusiasm for teaching. This subject takes the evaluation of the workload of undergraduate teaching as a breakthrough point, and tries to discuss and analyze the problem in order to put forward some suggestions for improvement.
2. research content
This paper probes into the current situation of the assessment of the teaching workload of undergraduate students in ordinary colleges and universities, analyzes the main problems that exist, and discusses the main contents of the evaluation of the teaching workload of the undergraduate students of ordinary colleges and universities, and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions for improving the teaching work. 59 documents are retrieved and determined, and the domestic and foreign research on the evaluation of the teaching workload in ordinary colleges and universities is discussed. The general situation of teaching workload in 5 colleges and universities at home and abroad was compared, and a questionnaire survey was conducted among 236 subjects in 1 units.
3. purpose of research
Through literature research, policy analysis, comparative study, summary and summary, the theory, policy and experience of teaching workload evaluation in ordinary colleges and universities are interpreted to discuss the current situation of teaching workload evaluation of teachers in Colleges and universities in China, and to provide reference for the promotion of this work.
This paper analyzes the current teaching workload system in some colleges and universities, and reveals the main problems in the evaluation of the teaching workload of undergraduate students, and puts forward solutions and suggestions based on the current work practice.
4. research methods
This study uses literature research, policy analysis, case comparison, questionnaire survey and other methods. The whole idea of the project design is divided into three steps: first, qualitative research, second is empirical analysis, and finally is inductive deduction. On the basis of a large number of academic papers, policies and regulations and other documents, through literature research, domestic and foreign comparison, case profile Analysis, summarizing and refining the qualitative research of multi direction and multi angle; through the questionnaire survey and statistical analysis to further empirical analysis, obtain the identification degree of the questionnaire content of different group of respondents, understand the cognitive differences of different groups, on the basis of qualitative research, empirical analysis, inductive reasoning, deductive expansion.
5. research results
5.1, it reveals the main problems of undergraduate teaching workload assessment in Colleges and universities.
(1) the evaluation content is not comprehensive; (2) the evaluation procedure is too complex; (3) the evaluation content project is too thin; (4) the evaluation standard is not scientific enough; (5) the lack of teaching quality standards; (6) the curriculum difference is difficult to reflect; (7) indirect input, the implicit workload is not easy to evaluate; (8) lack of the basic workload of teachers; (9) and research workload (9) There is a big gap between the assessment and (10) there is a big gap in educational evaluation with other types (adult education and postgraduate).
5.2, the main contents that need to be paid attention to in undergraduate teaching workload evaluation are discussed.
(1) course teaching (classroom teaching, lesson preparation, after-school guidance (including reform experiment report, homework), course examination); (2) practical teaching (experimental teaching, practice guidance, social practice, graduation design); (3) undergraduate extracurricular instruction (undergraduate tutor, guidance of science and technology innovation activities, graduation thesis and graduation design, various competitions guidance); (4) education teaching Study reform (education reform project, teaching paper, teaching reform and research conference report, undergraduate teaching quality project); (5) basic teaching construction (education technology modernization, textbook compilation, teaching outline writing, teaching plan formulation, teaching website, courseware and other information construction, auxiliary teaching (Teaching Secretary, teaching management staff assisting work) ), teaching organization and management; (6) other teaching activities (teaching competition, teaching demonstration courses, open courses, elective courses, extracurricular lectures, teaching supervision, education and teaching policy consultation, admissions and employment assistance).
5.3, put forward the improvement measures and suggestions of undergraduate teaching workload evaluation of ordinary universities.
(1) choose the appropriate evaluation management mode; (2) scientifically formulate the basic principles of teaching workload evaluation;
(3) reasonably determine the object and content of the evaluation; (4) establish a dynamic regulatory mechanism; (5) strengthen policy co-ordination.
6. characteristics and innovation of research
The research system summarizes and analyzes the current situation of teaching workload evaluation of teachers in ordinary universities and colleges, briefly compares and analyses the basic situation at home and abroad, compares the actual projects in several colleges and universities in China, reveals the main problems, discusses the main contents of the evaluation of the workload of the teachers in ordinary colleges and universities, and puts forward the improvement. Countermeasures and suggestions.



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